January 19, 2017    See meeting notes

Council Central Office 851 SW 6th Ave, Suite 1100

9 a.m. - 2 p.m.

GoToMeeting or conference call: 800-356-8278, code 395312

Draft Agenda

  1. Welcome and Introductions
  2. Important developments: changes to Council representation, chair of ocean forum, staff changes, charter and report
  3. Recap of last meeting, review and approve draft notes from last meeting
  4. Update on the Council’s draft research plan
  5. Theme for this meeting: Coupling between estuary and early ocean survival of salmonids – significance, mechanisms and opportunities 

* Researcher presentations:

* Manager feedback regarding hatcheries, hydrosystem, habitat:

  • What are the drivers that influence fish condition, size, numbers, and timing?
  • What are opportunities for utilizing this information about early survival?
  • What are the institutional barriers to change that may prevent the information from being fully utilized?

* Additional discussion:

  • What changes can we consider to take advantage of this information?
  • What would make this information more useful?
  • What other information do you need?
  • What scientific, management or political barriers have to be addressed to better utilize this information?
  • Others?

6)      Wrap up:  summary, future meetings