The Council invites your comments on the report, Critical Uncertainties for the Columbia River Basin Fish and Wildlife Program, recently issued jointly by the Independent Scientific Advisory Board and the Independent Scientific Review Panel (ISAB/ISRP 2016-1, January 29, 2016). Please comment by the close of business on March 11, 2016 by sending your comments in an email to with “Critical Uncertainties Report Comment” in the subject line.

The Council asked the independent science panels for this report as the first step in the implementation of a measure in the Council’s 2014 Columbia River Basin Fish and Program. In the 2014 Program, the Council committed to reviewing and updating its 2006 research plan. The Program states that the Independent Scientific Review Panel and the Independent Scientific Advisory Board will be called upon to assist the Council with updating the program’s critical uncertainties, taking into account evolving topics and reporting on the results of past research.

To begin implementing this provision, the Council requested on February 23, 2015 that the independent science panels begin a review of past research and the critical uncertainties relevant to the program. Specifically, the Council asked the ISAB and ISRP for:

  1. a revised set of critical uncertainties;
  2. a detailed list of research themes or categories that fully encompasses past, current, and possible future research;
  3. scientific input on identifying priorities among the critical uncertainties; and
  4. a determination of whether ongoing research is making progress in answering critical uncertainties listed in the current research plan.

The report just released by the panels is the result of this review

The Council will use the report and comments as important input into how to revise its research plan. The purpose of the research plan is to help the Council, Bonneville, project sponsors and the independent science panels track and evaluate research projects, prioritize critical uncertainties for the program, and along with other considerations, guide funding recommendations. The Council will schedule one or more meetings with the agencies and tribes and other program partners to get feedback on the panels’ report, and seek input for revising the research plan. It is anticipated that the draft revised research plan will be circulated for public review before final revision and approval by the Council.

Again, please comment by the close of business on March 11, 2016 by sending an email to with “Critical Uncertainties Report Comment” in the subject line.

Thank you for your interest in the Council’s 2014 Columbia River Basin Fish and Wildlife Program.


Tony Grover, Fish and Wildlife Division Director