All conservation actions or programs should be implemented in a manner consistent with the long-term goals of the region’s electrical power system, as established in the 2021 Power Plan. In order to achieve this goal, the following objectives should be met:

  1. Conservation acquisition programs should be designed to ensure that regionally cost-effective levels of efficiency are economically feasible for the consumer.
  2. Conservation acquisition programs should be targeted at conservation opportunities that are not anticipated to be developed by consumers.
  3. Conservation acquisition programs should be designed so that their benefits are distributed equitably.
  4. Conservation acquisition programs should be designed to secure all measures in the most cost-efficient manner possible.
  5. Conservation acquisition programs should be designed to take advantage of naturally occurring “windows of opportunity” during which conservation potential can be secured by matching the conservation acquisitions to the schedule of the host facilities or to take advantage of market trends. In industrial plants, for example, retrofit activities can match the plant’s scheduled downtime or equipment replacement; in the commercial sector, measures can be installed at the time of renovation or remodel.
  6. Conservation acquisition programs should be designed to capture all regionally cost-effective conservation savings in a manner that does not create lost-opportunity resources. A lost-opportunity resource is a conservation measure that, due to physical or institutional characteristics, will lose its cost-effectiveness unless actions are taken now to develop it or hold it for future use.
  7. Conservation acquisition programs should be designed to maintain or enhance environmental quality. 
  8. Conservation acquisition programs should be designed to enhance the region’s ability to refine and improve programs as they evolve.

On the following pages you will find details on recommended actions: