On February 19, 2021, the Council hosted a “Systems Integration Forum” (SIF) to explore how the Council might integrate concepts of energy equity into the 2021 Power Plan, as well as in future work. [1] The SIF allowed for a cross-cutting gathering of interested parties to discuss equity across multiple power planning topics. All the information shared at the SIF is available on the Council’s website.

An output of the forum was a list of potential actions the Council could take to better incorporate equity into the 2021 Power Plan and related work. To help prioritize amongst the many proposals, staff surveyed advisory committee members and interested parties for their feedback.  An overview of the recommended actions and advisory committee feedback on prioritization can be found in this presentation. It includes recommend actions the Council incorporated into the 2021 Plan and for other future Council work.

[1] There is support in the Power Act to incorporate equity considerations in the power plan. Section 4(e)(2) of the Power Act stipulates that “the plan shall set forth a general scheme for implementing conservation measures and developing resources…with due consideration by the Council for (A) environmental quality, (B) compatibility with the existing regional power system, (C) protection, mitigation, and enhancement of fish and wildlife and related spawning grounds and habitat…, and (D) other criteria which may be set forth in the plan” [emphasis added]. These other criteria, for example, could include equity considerations. Section 6(k) of the Act states that the [Bonneville] Administrator shall “insure benefits under this section [Section 6] … are distributed equitably throughout the region” [emphasis added].