State Greenhouse Gas Emission Performance Standards

Montana, Washington, and Oregon have each enacted greenhouse gas emissions performance standards that apply to new in-state fossil-fuel generation and/or contracted out-of-state fossil fuel generation.

Montana adopted an emissions performance standard for new coal plants placed in service on January 1, 2007 and later. In order to receive an approved application to operate from the Montana PSC, new plants that are primarily fueled by coal must comply by capturing and storing at least 50% of CO2 emissions.

Washington’s emissions performance standard sets an emissions limit per megawatt hour generated for new baseload resources. Reviewed every five years, the current standard is 925 pounds CO2/MWh. In addition, an electricity service provider in Washington cannot enter into a long-term contract (five years or more) with a resource that exceeds this standard.

Oregon’s greenhouse gas emissions standard is similar to Washington, with a limit of 1,100 pounds CO2/MWh.