The energy efficiency source data is used similarly but slightly differently in each of the Council’s power system models. Due to the differences of model fidelity and focus, each model requires slightly different forms of the same source information.

Regional Portfolio Model

Due to computational run-time concerns the Regional Portfolio Model (RPM) limits the number of resources that are explicitly modeled. Thus, individual energy efficiency measures are binned in the Regional Portfolio Model. Individual choices about how energy efficiency resources are modeled in the RPM was discussed in detail in the System Analysis Advisory Committee meetings.

Redeveloped GENESYS

The same source data is used but in different detail in GENESYS. For example, when energy efficiency is part of a portfolio test it is netted off the regional demand and applied throughout all regional balancing areas proportionally.


The same source data is used but in different detail in AURORA. For example, when energy efficiency is part of a portfolio test it is netted off the regional demand and applied throughout all regional balancing areas proportionally. As a modeling assumption due to the timing in the process of the AURORA buildouts and per discussions in the Systems Analysis Advisory Committee, a continuation of the 7th Power Plan investment trajectory for energy efficiency was assumed in the northwest.