Streetlighting and Public Water Pumping Facilities

As population in the region increases so does the need for streetlighting, and public facilities to pump freshwater and remove and treat wastewater. However, in the past few years there have been improvements in lighting technologies. The spread of LED lighting has resulted in the decline in demand for electricity, even with increased population. Overall forecast of growth in these two demand segments is between -0.14 to 0.43 percent between 2021 and 2041. In 2018 demand for this sector is estimated to be about 307 aMW and is expected to remain flat to declining by 2050. More detailed information on these sectors load forecast is available here.

Streetlighting and Public Water Pumping Facilities Demand for Electricity Forecast (average megawatts)

Transportation Load

Traditionally use of electricity in the transportation sector, consisting mainly of mass transit systems in major metropolitan cities in the region, typically has been estimated to be about 2-3 average megawatts. However, in the past few years there has been a new entry into this market: the plug-in electric and all electric vehicles. This has caused a significant increase in transportation electricity loads. The Council has been following the number of E-vehicles and expects load from PHEV and EV vehicles to increase substantially. By 2050, it is forecast that electrified transportation will result in loads about 1400-1800 average megawatts. More detailed information on the transportation sector load forecast is available here.

Transportation Demand for Electricity Forecast (average megawatts)