8:30am - 3:30pm (Mountain Time)

GoToMeeting or conference call 800-356-8278, code 186685

8:30am Welcome and introductions
Purpose & objectives, review draft agenda, news
F&W Committee Chair Anders
8:45 Presentation on the Klamath Fish Health Assessment Team
KFHAT is a technical workgroup which formed during the summer of 2003 with the purpose of providing early warning and a coordinated response effort to avoid, or at least address, a non-hazardous materials related fish kill event in the anadromous portion of the Klamath River basin. PowerPoint shown at meeting.
  Sara Borok, Calif. Dept Fish and Wildlife; and Katharine Carter, North Coast WQ Control Board
9:45 Break  
10:00 - Noon Topics to discuss below
  1. Flood Plain Habitat Strategies
  2. Investigate blocked area
  3. Council’s Research Plan review and update
  4. Program Cost Savings
  5. Biological Objectives
  6. NOAA Regional Assessment Partnership
  7. Sturgeon – update from previous days’ sturgeon meeting on status, strategies, and events
  8. Lamprey – completing synthesis report
  9. Non-natives
  10. Long term O&M Plan Investment strategy
  11. Long term monitoring and evaluation (at Chair’s request)
Noon Lunch  
1:15pm  Continuation of discussion topics Fish and wildlife agencies and tribes and others
2:00 Break  
2:15 - 3:30 Continuation of discussion and other topics brought forth by attendees. Wrap up. All, Jennifer Anders