January 24, 2014 

10 am- Noon -Continued discussion by RM&E / Objectives by the Fish and Wildlife Program Amendment issue subgroup 

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1. Biological objectives

            Recovery plans by state (Horton, Weist, Leonard)

            Objectives in the Program, subbasin plans, dashboard, Tribal plans…(Leonard)

2. Discussion of biological objectives

            What more do we need to know?  Are existing objectives clear? Adequate?

            What new biological objectives are needed? Quantitative, wild fish…

3. RM&E topics

a. Research:

      Include the research plan in the Program?

      Replace “effectiveness monitoring” with “project effectiveness research”

      Include Council recommendation for BPA to support “a cost-effective, independent third-party, standardized, and statistically valid method for evaluating project-level effectiveness.”

b. Monitoring: 

      Define status and trends monitoring (relative to baseline monitoring)

      Replace “implementation monitoring” with project reporting (PISCES, Taurus)

c. Public Affairs: 

      How do we include local residents in ecosystem projects?  Consider the “human element” in ecosystem management as recommended by ISAB.

d. Evaluation:  Is this a distinct category?  Are there actions associated with it?

e. Life-cycle:

      Importance in monitoring and NOAA’s model

f. Risk/Uncertainty Matrix

g. Coordinated Assessment:

      How successful has this been?

h. Adaptive Management: 

      Do we need a formal process of periodically evaluating biological objectives along with the results of monitoring and research?

i. High Level Indicators:

      Should we review these when we complete our biological objectives?

j. Council Staff:

      Can the Council become a source of high level policy information?