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Council Spotlight

News about energy and natural resources in the Pacific Northwest

Cold-water Safe Havens for Fish


A plan by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency identifies cold-water refuges in Columbia River tributaries where adult salmon and steelhead can rest as they migrate from the ocean. Read more.

Upcoming Meetings

JULY 14-15 : Council Meeting, Portland (all meetings are remote access only)

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Coronavirus update: Joining the effort to slow the spread of coronavirus, the Council will make all meetings completely virtual through July 31st. The work of the Council and the RTF will continue remotely, and we encourage people to join our meetings and engage with our staff and members by phone and webinar and email. We will update this as more information becomes available.

Power Plan update: Draft 2021 Power Plan release moved to February 2021.

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In the Mix: Testing Small Modular Reactors as a Future Energy Source

At the June power committee meeting, Senior Policy Analyst Gillian Charles reviewed the primary generating resource reference plants developed for inclusion in the draft 2021 Power Plan and presented the proposed emerging technology reference plant that will be included as a resource option in the plan’s scenario analysis. Read more.


Washington Salmon Recovery Strategy Update

The strategy, adopted in 1999, is being updated to reflect contemporary issues including climate change, predation impacts, water pollution and culverts. Read more.


Gauging the Impact of Upstream Methane Leaks

At its June Council meeting, Principal Analyst Steven Simmons presented the staff’s recommendation for emission inputs from natural gas and coal production, which will be used in developing the Council’s 2021 Power Plan. Read more.


Council Approves $500,000 for Fish Screen and Hatchery Maintenance

The expenditure is for work outside routine maintenance needs and comes partly from savings in other projects in the Council's fish and wildlife program. Read more.


Bonneville Power Administration’s Potential for Achieving Energy Efficiency and Demand Response

At the June power committee meeting, staff presented an update on the supply curves for energy efficiency and demand response they will use to help analyze the resources available to the BPA in meeting its future obligations. Read more.