Open Salmon and Steelhead Objectives Mapping Tool

Relationship of the Mapping tool content to Columbia River Basin Fish and Wildlife Program

The salmon and steelhead objectives mapping tool was collaboratively developed following the task outlined in the 2014 Columbia River Basin Fish and Wildlife Program (Program) and is a publicly available tool that provides a central location for existing natural origin adult salmon and steelhead abundance objectives in the Columbia River Basin. This tool will be maintained by Council staff (see Process to Update Mapping Tool Content for more information). 

The salmon and steelhead objectives mapping tool and its content are not part of the Columbia River Basin Fish and Wildlife Program.

The Program is developed by the Council as directed by the Pacific Northwest Electric Power Planning and Conservation Act of 1980. The Program is amended at least every five years by first requesting recommendations from the region’s federal and state fish and wildlife agencies, appropriate Indian tribes (those within the basin) and other interested parties. The Council also takes comment from designated entities and the public on those recommendations. The Council then issues a draft amended program, initiating an extensive public comment period on the recommendations and proposed program amendments that includes extensive written comments, public hearings in each of the four states, and consultations with interested parties. After closing the comment period and following a review and deliberation period, the Council adopts the revised program (Learn more about the Council and the Program).

Currently the 2014 Program has some quantitative objectives for natural origin salmon and steelhead abundance. These objectives are displayed on the mapping tool and denoted as ‘program adopted = yes’ beside the value. These objectives can also be viewed in two sets of documents (1) the 2014 Program’s Appendix D. Program goals and objectives and (2) the Subbasin Plans (available on the Council’s website here).