The Council’s Columbia River Basin Fish and Wildlife Program (Program) is one of the largest regional efforts in the nation to recover and rebuild populations of fish and wildlife. The goal of the program is to protect, mitigate, and enhance fish and wildlife, and related spawning grounds and habitat that have been affected by the construction and operation of hydroelectric dams on the Columbia River and its tributaries.

The Council is responsible for adopting and overseeing implementation of the Program. In order to assure the region that the Program is implemented in a cost-effective and efficient manner, the Council needs to:

  1. assess its progress toward meeting its responsibilities under the Power Act, and
  2. report on Program progress.

The Council revises the Program at least every five years. The 2009 Program, the most recent revision, focuses on performance and commits to developing a monitoring and evaluation framework to improve reporting of Program progress and to better inform Council decisions.

Accordingly, the Council designed a draft monitoring and evaluation framework that builds on past work of the Council, the Independent Scientific Advisory Board, the Independent Scientific Review Panel, and regional entities. The framework aligns with goals and objectives of the 2009 Program.

Thank you for your interest in helping the Council improve monitoring, evaluation, research, and reporting of projects implemented through the Council’s Fish and Wildlife Program.