This section discusses the types of beneficial and adverse effects expected to follow from the alternatives, and data and analysis about the effects are presented where available. First, the relations between strategies and Human Effects Strategy Blocks are shown. Then, types of beneficial effects are discussed . Finally, adverse effects are addressed. Adverse effects under each strategy block are discussed.

4.1 Relationship of Strategies to Alternatives

The evaluation of the human effects of the alternatives began by grouping the strategies that make up the alternatives into Human Effects Strategy Blocks. The strategies included in each block affect similar types of human activity and, therefore, can be evaluated using similar sources of data and analysis. Most of the 16 Human Effect Strategy Blocks are related to the four H?s?hydropower, habitat, hatcheries, and harvest. Table 4-1 illustrates the Human Effects Strategy Blocks. Appendix C shows strategies grouped into the strategy blocks and shows how each strategy was considered in the analysis. Information about which strategies are included in each alternative is provided as Appendix D.

The human effects of alternatives are derived from their component strategies and from the effects of those strategies on the natural and human environment. Most beneficial effects are likely to result from the combined effects of the many strategies that make up an alternative. These benefits are based on the effects of the alternatives on fish and wildlife populations and other environmental conditions, such as air and water quality. On the other hand, most strategies have adverse effects (direct costs) associated with their implementation and another type of adverse effect (lost use) that results from their constraints on human activities.

Table 4-1
Human Effects Strategy Blocks
Hydropower Dam breaching or construction
  Dam modifications
  Dam operations
  Flow management
  Juvenile transportation
Habitat Habitat, land use on agricultural land
  Habitat, land use on forest land
  Habitat, land use in urban areas
  Habitat, other
Hatcheries Hatchery operations
  Hatchery production levels
Harvest Harvest levels
  Harvest strategies

4.2 Beneficial Effects

Most beneficial effects of the Framework alternatives are directly or indirectly related to populations of fish and wildlife, although additional benefits are associated with ecosystem health and diversity. There currently is limited information available regarding impacts on fish and wildlife populations.

The Ecological Workgroup?s evaluation of physical and biological impacts (the EDT analysis) has provided preliminary information regarding chinook salmon run size. The estimates include hatchery and natural fish production for each ecological region and for spring, summer, and fall runs. It should be recognized that results represent long-run populations that may take up to 50 to 100 years to accomplish. The EDT tool is still being developed, so changes to the results can be expected in the near future. Preliminary estimates of chinook salmon run size are in Table 4-2. Additional estimates for populations of steelhead trout, bull trout, and several terrestrial species are forthcoming.

Table 4-2
Estimated Chinook Salmon Run Size, Current Conditions, Alternatives, and Historical Potential (1,000s of fish)
    Current Alt 1 Alt 2 Alt 3 Alt 4 Alt 5 Alt 6 Alt 7 Historical Potential
Total Run Size Hatchery 134 0 552 560 381 625 660 407
Natural 170 691 445 375 226 306 276 240 2,861 
Total 304 691 997 935 608 931 936 646 2,861 
Preterminal Harvest 1. Hatchery 31  99  78  78  83 
Natural 66  54  122  94  69  60  12  14  685 
Total 96  54  221  172  147  143  17  21  685 
Total Harvest Potential 1. Hatchery 125  605  601  331  653  382  276 
Natural 112  394  293  236  131  166  155  154  1,799 
Total 237  394  898  837  463  819  537  429  1,799 
Harvest and run size summaries: The numbers should be used with caution. The absolute numbers are much less reliable than their relative values (i.e., ratios among alternatives).
1. Pre-terminal and harvest potential numbers are from earlier model results. "Harvest Potential" is the theoretical maximum sustainable harvest. It is probably neither wise nor feasible to achieve these levels of harvest.

Source: EWG, 2000

As with any forecast, results are based on parameters that are themselves uncertain. The Ecological Workgroup has developed sensitivity analyses that consider those parameters results are most sensitive to. These parameters vary by alternative because the composition of the runs varies by alternative. For example, in-river survival and harvest reductions are important in Alternative 1, but transportation is more important in Alternative 4 because the dams are still in place.

Results under these more "conservative" assumptions have been developed. Natural salmon populations in Alternatives 1, 6, and 7 appear to be most affected by the change in assumptions. With the conservative assumptions in Alternative 1, the increase in natural salmon populations relative to current conditions is reduced by about half. In Alternatives 6 and 7, adoption of the more conservative assumptions results in natural population decreases relative to current conditions. Alternative 5 also appears to be quite sensitive to the more conservative assumptions. Alternatives 2 through 4 do not appear to be as sensitive.

4.2.1 Tribal Values

(Note: This discussion is not conditioned on EDT results from Table 4-2.)

The extensive losses of salmon, other fish, wildlife and tribal lands?and the present desperate circumstances of many tribal peoples?were profiled in Section 3.2.2. This section extends understanding of some of the values tribal peoples associate with these resources and discusses the nature of linkages between resource changes and tribal well-being.

Tribal peoples often use the all-encompassing phrase "the land," or "our Mother the earth" to integrate the various components of their natural resources-based existence. Such terms convey powerful cultural values for tribal peoples that transcend any single measurement of effects ? and also convey particular relationships between species and tribal peoples.Since we know our religion cannot be set aside and trampled on, and say Yakama tribesmen are a ?dreamer? religion? . Since immemorial days we have had great prophets to guide our laws that have been established for us to follow and which we do so at the present knowing the living God still exists; first, the water; second, the salmon; third, the big game; fourth, the roots; and fifth, the berries. All of which we used each year to give thanks to our living God, which when first taken are new to us each year, in other words, ?communion? with our living God through the water and food he provides for us each year.
(Martin Hannigan, Chairperson, Yakama Indian Nation, 1949)

My grandfather explained to me how the elk, as it grows up, eats plants that have nutrition and medicine in them. It stores these things in its body as it grows ? and carries the medicine with it. One day, at the right time, we go and hunt it. Often we put it away for the winter, when we need the protein. Same with the salmon.
(Hobby Hevewah, Councilor, Shoshone-Bannock Tribe, 1998)

Salmon are the centerpiece of our culture, religion, spirit, and indeed, our very existence. As Indians, we speak solely for the salmon. We have no hidden agenda. We do not make decisions to appease special interest groups. We do not bow to the will of powerful economic interests. Our people?s desire is simple?to preserve the fish, to preserve our way of life, now and for future generations.
(Donald Sampson, Chairperson, Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian
Reservation, 1994)

In thinking of your people, you are thinking of the coming generations. And that philosophy was applied to their preservation of resources? . You don?t think that when I die and you die that that?s it? . You don?t think of just one. Think of yourself as a generation.
(Adelin Fredin, Elder, Colville Tribes, 1982)

Traditional activities such as fishing, hunting and gathering roots, berries and medicinal plants build self-esteem for Nez Perce peoples?and this has the capacity to reduce the level of death by accident, violence and suicide affecting our people. When you engage in cultural activities you build pride. You are helped to understand "what it is to be a Nez Perce"?as opposed to trying to be someone who is not a Nez Perce. In this way, the salmon, the game, the roots, the berries, and the plants are the pillars of our world.
(Leroy Seth, Elder, Nez Perce Tribe, 1998)

Species emphasis will vary, depending on the location, history and ecological circumstances of each tribe. Yet the overall importance of the land, waters, fish, wildlife, and other natural resources of the Columbia Basin?and the importance of each for the survival of the others?is clear. For example,The tribal vision is how the tribes came to be part of the earth and part of creation and what the future holds. This vision is not easily expressed into non-tribal language, but it is sovereignty, respect of the air, water, plants and animals and the interconnection of the spirits of these and tribal peoples, past, present and future?

For the tribes, there has always been a common understanding ? that their very existence depends upon the respectful enjoyment of the (Columbia) Basin?s rich and vast land and water resources?

Tribal people believe that there is no distinction between natural resources and cultural resources ? all are necessary for culture, economy, religion and a way of life to be expressed, practiced and maintained. Indeed, the native peoples? very souls and spirits were and are inextricably tied to the natural world and its myriad inhabitants.

Today,?the Columbia River ecosystem is seriously damaged and extensively degraded. The extinction and threatened extinction of many salmon species is currently only the most prominent symptom of this widespread devastation?

As a result, tribal rights secured by treaty and established by executive order?have been drastically compromised? . Tribal cultures, economies, religions and ways of life throughout the Columbia River Basin are endangered no less than our air, water, fish, wildlife, plants and other resources--they depend on them and cannot exist in their absence. Tribes have already borne enormous, unjust losses and hardships because of this widespread lack of environmental justice? . It is time to remedy this situation (Minthorn, 1999).

The present perilous circumstances of Columbia Basin tribes have been created in significant measure by extensive losses of tribal lands, salmon, game, and other resources. These relationships between tribal resource deprivation, and poverty and ill-health are consistent with both the expectations of theoretical analysis?and with actual tribal circumstance across the Columbia Basin landscape.It appears that Native Americans, as a group, have been blocked on the hierarchy of needs at basic levels. Many are dealing with survival--trying to resolve physiological and safety needs. This condition often leaves belongingness and self-esteem needs unmet. Movement through developmental stages has been perilous, beginning with birth itself, increasing with entry into school, and peaking in excessive stress for young adults, who should be entering the productive years of life and in control of their environment.

Alleviation of poverty conditions are clearly indicated as essential? .

Glouster similarly identified economics as potentially the key to improvement for Native Americans. He further maintained that it is essential that they control their land and water. On this point he is congruent with the psychological prerequisite for a healthy personality outlined in this section?if Indian people are to obtain a greater level of achievement and satisfaction in their lives, and regardless of respective goals, it is essential that they achieve a greater level of control over their psychological, social, and economic environment (Bachtold, 1982).The reservation system of the United States destroyed the native standard of living and introduced a host of viruses and bacilli to the Indians living on the Yakama Reservation. The result was poverty, ill health and death among Yakama people (Trafzer, 1997)Ball, writing of the effect of termination (loss of reservation lands) on the Klamath Tribe, notes:High rates of PTSD (Posttraumatic Stress Disorder) in this Tribal sample; rates that are usually found in groups that have all suffered extreme trauma like massive burns, racial cleansing, or war; rates that would be seen as pathological in non-Indian communities are normative in this sample. ?(Yet) this tribe is not pathological. It would be pathological for them not to exhibit these high rates of negative social outcomes in lieu of the ongoing, systematic and pervasive genocide they have faced (Ball, 1998).Similarly;The personal suffering and tragic lives of many (Indian) people are not revealed in the cold reports of tribal and federal governments. It can, however, be seen and felt in the towns and the countryside--n the eyes of men and the despair of mothers, with few options for change. When you can no longer do what your ancestors did; when your father or mother could not do these things either; when they or you found little meaning in and limited access to the ways of mainstream culture--the power of 70 percent winter time unemployment, and 46 percent of the population below the poverty line, is visibly throughout the Nez Perce landscape (Central Washington University, 1991).

These (adverse) statistics represent real people, they are brothers, sisters, fathers, mothers, sons, daughters, cousins, friends. They are not bad people, they are just not very good statistics (Ball, 1998).

The broad relationship between loss of key fish and wildlife resources, and the present adverse circumstances of tribal peoples seems inescapable. Over time, available evidence clearly suggests that higher levels of fish and wildlife in the Columbia Basin will result in improved levels of tribal wellbeing. For example:In sum, there?s a huge connection between salmon and tribal health. Restoring salmon restores a way of life. It restores physical activity. It restores mental health. It improves nutrition and thus restores physical health. It restores a traditional food source? . It allows families to share time together and build connections between family members. It passes on traditions that are being lost. If the salmon came back, these positive changes would start.At some time in the future, economic costs may be required to compensate Tribes for some of their losses related to reduced fish and wildlife populations over time. Beaty et al. (1999) provide an historic estimate of potential commercial revenues foregone by Tribes due to losses of salmon from COE dams and provide methodologies that could be extended to future losses. The amount of compensation paid would be a transfer from the regional perspective, but the transfer would imply losses and gains to groups of persons within the region.

4.2.2 Commercial Fisheries

Beneficial effects in commercial fisheries are primarily producer surpluses associated with increased revenues. Increased revenues might be associated with increased catch per unit effort as well as increased effort in response to better fishing. Increased harvest revenues, profits, and incomes benefit producers and workers in the industry. Consumers benefit if prices are reduced, but reduced prices are not likely in today?s global salmon markets. Some localized consumer benefits in the fresh market are possible. Tribal benefits would include improved relative per capita incomes and reduced poverty.

The Feasibility Study (USACE, 1999h) estimates economic benefits to producers in the commercial salmon industry. Under the study?s baseline, likely condition (A1), total national economic benefits from commercial fishing of Columbia River stocks amount to about $971,000 annually. Most of these benefits ($703,000) are obtained by the In-river Indian Treaty fishery (Table 4-16, Section The difference in economic value from the alternative A1 base case for alternative A2a is $0.16 million; for alternative A2b, $0.158 million; and for alternative A3 (8 years to implement), $1.49 million annually. These numbers are small in comparison to historical benefits, in comparison to the total size of the commercial fishery, and in comparison to the coastal regional economies.

The chinook salmon run size data generated by the EDT (Table 4-2) include positive effects on populations as well as negative effects from harvest strategies. Total harvest potential is used as the best available indicator of total harvest size, and this number for the alternatives divided by the number for current conditions is used as a scalar for the net benefits under current conditions displayed in Table 4-16. For example, the ratio of harvest potential in Alternative 1 to current conditions is 394/237 or 1.663, and net economic value in current conditions from Table 4-16 is $0.97 million, so estimated net value in Alternative 1 is $1.61 million (0.97 times 1.663) and the difference from current conditions is $0.6 million (1.61 minus 0.97). Using this method, the net benefits of commercial fishing for chinook salmon compared to current conditions in each Framework alternative would be:

  • Alternative 1: $0.6 million
  • Alternative 2: $2.7 million
  • Alternative 3: $2.5 million
  • Alternative 4: $0.9 million
  • Alternative 5: $2.4 million
  • Alternative 6: $1.2 million
  • Alternative 7: $0.8 million

Another approach to estimating benefits uses the number of fish harvested times the value per fish harvested. Table 4-2 shows the number of fish available for harvest. It is assumed that half of the total harvest potential in Table 4-2 can be taken in any alternative. From Radtke et al. (1999) the commercial value per fish, based on 70 percent of ex-vessel value and shares taken at different locations, is roughly $30. The total net benefit of Columbia River chinook salmon catch under each alternative above current conditions is then:

  • Alternative 1: $2.4 million
  • Alternative 2: $9.9 million
  • Alternative 3: $9.0 million
  • Alternative 4: $3.4 million
  • Alternative 5: $8.7 million
  • Alternative 6: $4.5 million
  • Alternative 7: $2.9 million

These estimates do not account for the delays in achieving the EDT population increases. Also, actual net benefits may be much different because strategies may affect unit costs and unit benefits. Selective harvest strategies might replace ocean harvest with harvest near or in-river. In-river catch may be worth less than ocean catch because fish quality may decline as fish migrate upstream. In general, it is believed that economic benefits from commercial harvest are a small to negligible component of all potential benefits of the Framework alternatives. However, some important but localized benefits from commercial fishing are likely.

4.2.3 Recreational Fishing and Hunting

New recreational fishing opportunities and improved recreational fishing quality would affect consumers and producers. Improved quality, such as increased catch rates, increases the user?s value per unit time of recreation. The amount of time spent also increases as the enhanced activity attracts more users and more time per user. On the producer?s side, recreationists spend more money in pursuit of fish and game, and this increased spending increases profits in the recreation industry. Some of the increased spending in the fishing and hunting industry may be offset by reduced spending in other economic sectors, because some users are merely changing the location of their expenditures.

Fishing and hunting privileges are purchased through licenses and access fees, but much of the expense for these activities involves travel costs and travel time. Economists have long recognized that distance to outdoor recreation is a good proxy for price, and willingness to pay estimates have been derived from travel cost information. Economic values are also derived from surveys that query recreationists about the value of their experience. A summary of some relevant studies is provided in Table 4-3.

Work by Loomis (1999) for the Feasibility Study (USACE, 1999h) is probably the most recent and relevant information for in-river fishing values. A large sample of Pacific Northwest and California residents was surveyed to identify the type and number of recreation users who would visit the Lower Snake River if the dams were breached. Almost 5,000 surveys were completed. Analysis for in-river fishing was constrained to accommodate the number of available fish.

This study found that the annualized net recreation benefits of reservoir recreational fishing, under Feasibility Study alternatives A1, A2a, and A2b, at 4.75 percent, were $1.7 million annually, and total recreational fishing value in the region was $23.7 million to $25.7 million annually.

For Feasibility Study alternative A3, results are provided under two assumptions regarding daily use values, Low national economic development (NED) and High NED. For the middle use estimate, benefits of river recreational fishing are $31.92 and $61.14 million annually, respectively. The total annual net recreational fishing benefits of drawdown are estimated to be about $6 million (31.92-25.7) to $37 million (61.14-23.7) annually, respectively.

Table 4-3
Fishing and Hunting Unit Values from the Literature (willingness to pay, unless noted) 1
Source Product Valued Type of Value Data Year Unit of Measure Base Value (dollars) 1998 Value (dollars)
Meyer, Brown, and Hsaio (1983) Oregon sport fishing River salmon
River steelhead
Ocean fish
1977 Per fish caught 55
Crutchfield and Schelle (1978) Washington sport fishing Ocean salmon 1977 Per day per person 18 66
Crutchfield and Schelle (1978) Washington sport fishing WTA ocean salmon2 1977 Per day per person 75 282
Brown and Mendelson (1981)  Washington steelhead 10% loss in fishing 1981 Per day per person 38 92
Sorg et al. (1985) Idaho fishing Cold water

Warm water

1982 Per day per person 64




Radke et al. (1999) Sport fishing   1998 Per day per person 60 60
Loomis (1999) Sport fishing Lower Snake Reservoir fishing

Upriver fishing

Fishing in New River

1998 Per day per person 29


39 to 76


39 to 76

1 Mostly based on data obtained from Phil Meyer in December 1999.
2 WTA = willingness to accept compensation.

The analysis assumed 24 hours to harvest one steelhead and an average of 7.2 hours per fishing day. With the data in Table 4-3, the average value per steelhead harvested can be estimated as $130 to $253 ([24/7.2] times 39 or 76). For chinook salmon, 35 hours were required to harvest one fish and the daily value was $76. With 7.2 hours per day the value per salmon is $369. The value per salmon harvested on tributaries is more ($396) because the average fishing day was 6.72 hours instead of 7.2.

The Human Effects Analysis uses this information to estimate the value of increased catch of chinook salmon in the recreational fishery. The assumed value per salmon is $370 per fish.

For chinook salmon, a small share of salmon harvest is taken by the in-river recreational fishery. Radtke (1999) estimated that, for fall run and spring run fish, recreational harvest accounted for only 2.5 and 1.3 percent, respectively, of ocean escapement. The Human Effects Analysis assumes 2 percent of total harvest potential (Table 4-2) would be taken by the river recreational fishery at a unit value of $370 per salmon. Net annual benefits would be:

  • Current conditions, $1.75 million
  • Alternative 1, $2.91 million
  • Alternative 2, $6.64 million
  • Alternative 3, $6.20 million
  • Alternative 4, $3.42 million
  • Alternative 5, $6.06 million
  • Alternative 6, $3.97 million
  • Alternative 7, $3.18 million

A substantial share of steelhead trout is taken in the recreational fishery, but information about steelhead trout has not yet been provided by the EDT analysis. Benefits would be much larger than those estimated for chinook salmon.

For ocean sport fishing, Radtke (1999) estimated the total NED benefits from Columbia River anadromous fish under a baseline, likely condition. Total benefits were estimated to be about $24,000 annually. By inference from Table 4-2, benefits of increased salmon catch in the ocean sport fishery would not increase by more than $100,000 annually in any case.

Increases in other wildlife populations might be associated with large fishing and hunting benefits. Population projections for other species are not yet available. Long delays to achieve population increases and subsequent recreation values may occur, but the economic values above have not been discounted accordingly. Land management of previously inundated land in Alternatives 1, 2, and 3, and management of land acquired for habitat purposes could have important implications for recreation use and value. The amount and type of recreational access is currently unknown so no analysis is possible.

Adverse recreation impacts may result from a loss of surface water reservoirs, changes in reservoir water levels, adverse changes in river flow levels, and reduced quality of certain recreational fishing. The Human Effects Analysis attempts to present the net effects from both reduced recreational opportunities and improvements wherever possible.

4.2.4 Other Recreation and Nonconsumptive Use Values

Many people enjoy non-consumptive recreation that will be affected by the Framework alternatives. Examples of non-consumptive recreation are:

  • Viewing of fish and wildlife
  • Boating, rafting, waterskiing
  • Hiking, sightseeing, camping

Loomis (1999) estimated economic values for a variety of non-consumptive recreation uses in the Lower Snake reservoir region including flatwater recreation ($71.31 per day) and rafting in central Idaho ($87.24 per day) With drawdown of the Lower Snake reservoirs, "other river-related" values were estimated to be $71 to $114 per day. Annualized net recreation benefits of Lower Snake River reservoir recreation on the four reservoirs, not including fishing, would be $31.6 million annually (using a 4.75 percent annual discount rate) under Feasibility Study alternatives A1, A2a, or A2b.

For Feasibility Study alternative A3 (with drawdown), results are provided under two assumptions regarding daily use values. For the middle use estimate, benefits of river recreation, not including fishing, are $85.5 million and $354.9 million annually, respectively. The total annual net recreation benefits of drawdown, not including fishing, are estimated to be about $54 million (85.5-31.6) and $323 million annually, respectively. This value could be affected by land use decisions regarding the formerly inundated areas, and the amount and cost of recreation facilities. There are some assumptions under which values could be even higher.

Improved recreational opportunities and non-consumptive use values are important quality of life considerations for many residents of the Northwest. Quality of life may have economic implications in retaining residents, attracting new ones, increasing effective income, and improving community and cultural cohesion. These benefits have not been quantified.

4.2.5 Passive Use Values

It is generally accepted that the preservation of species and other natural attributes have human value above and beyond any use of them. Passive use value is defined as economic value unrelated to the use of a good or attribute. Passive use may include existence values, option values, and stewardship values (see Appendix E). In the case of endangered species, passive use values are the benefits that citizens associate with the continued existence of the species or increased probability of recovery. Economic quantification is difficult, however, even if probabilities of recovery could be quantified. Measurement of passive use values using survey techniques, such as contingent valuation (CV), is discussed in more detail in Appendix E.

Evidence from contingent value studies and analysis of the revealed preference of voters suggests that these values are large. Several studies have queried citizens about the value of anadromous fish population increases in the region. Olsen et al. (1991) used a telephone interview of Northwest households with an open-ended question format. Residents were asked to state their willingness to pay increased power bills for a doubling of salmon from 2.5 million to 5 million fish, for a net change of 2.5 million salmon. The study determined that the amount residents would be willing to pay was $32.52 per household per year in 1996 dollars (about $35 in 1998 dollars). Currently, there are more than 4 million households in the region, so the total passive use value to all regional residents would be about $130 million annually.

Loomis (1996) used a mail questionnaire and a dichotomous choice format to value salmon recovery from breaching a dam in the Elwha River. Respondents were told that the increase in salmon population due to dam removal would be approximately 300,000 fish. The average stated value was $76.46 annually in 1996 dollars per household (about $82 in 1998 dollars). The value to the rest of U.S. residents was quite similar, at $71.24 in 1996 dollars (about $75 in 1998 dollars).

A recent study by Layton, Brown, and Plummer (LBP, 1999) asked Washington residents to value migratory fish population increases in eastern Washington and the Columbia Basin under two conditions. The low status quo condition showed fish populations declining during the next 20 years at the same rate as the previous 20 years. In the high status quo condition, populations stabilized at current levels during the next 20 years. The authors estimated two willingness to pay functions, one corresponding to each of the two status quo conditions. The estimates of willingness to pay for increases in each type of fish population depend on the baseline and the size of the increment.

To illustrate their results, the authors computed the value estimates that correspond to two scenarios. Under the high status quo condition, the study estimated that each Washington household would pay $140 annually for a doubling of eastern Washington and Columbia Basin migratory fish populations from 2 million to 4 million fish in 20 years. Under the low status quo condition, each Washington household would be willing to pay $332 annually for an increase from 0.5 million to 2.0 million fish. Extrapolating to all households in the state (about 2 million) would result in a value of $280 million and $664 million annually, respectively. For the entire region (about 4 million households) the value would be about double this amount.

The IEAB (1999) noted that LBPs method should provide estimates of values that represent total economic value (recreational, existence, option value, etc.) rather than non-use value alone. Results from LBP therefore should not be added to the net benefits from recreation studies.

These studies substantiate the large economic value placed on increased salmon populations, but difficulties arise in how they might be extrapolated across scenarios (the Framework alternatives in particular) and to different groups of people and types of fish.

The studies suggest that willingness to pay is not strongly affected by population numbers. The values per household per year across the three studies ; $35, $82, and $140, are much different when expressed as value per household per fish; $1.40, $27.33, and $7 per 100,000 fish; respectively. People may experience a diminishing marginal willingness to pay to recover additional numbers of salmon, higher per-fish values for smaller populations might be related to the format of the survey, or the higher recent values may be related to changing public perceptions about endangered fish. Additional difficulties involve extrapolation to residents of other states. Oregon residents may value Columbia Basin salmon runs similarly to Washington residents, but what about residents of Idaho, Montana, or California? Some studies (Hanemann et al., 1991; Loomis, 1996) have found that residents of more distant states actually have passive use values for salmon similar to residents of the state in which the salmon run.

Extrapolation among species, runs, and regions (benefits transfers) is not straightforward. The IEAB (1999) noted that extrapolation of results from one or a few salmon runs to all salmon runs in the region could imply that residents would be willing to give up a significant share of their income to recover just salmon, not to mention the many other species needing assistance.

Another problem involves the composition of increased fish populations. The Framework alternatives vary substantially in terms of what fish populations would be augmented and by how much. In particular, the alternatives vary substantially in their shares of hatchery and natural fish in the chinook population. None of the available contingent valuation studies makes this distinction. What are the passive use values for hatchery fish compared to natural fish? Increases to endangered stocks versus healthy stocks? What are the relative values for small and large population increases? These questions have not been addressed by the available contingent valuation studies.

The region has committed substantial resources to recovery of endangered fishes. Do the contingent value surveys suggest that residents are now willing to spend more, or is the value of recovery already reflected in the costs of endangered species management and environmental enhancement in the region? Finally, preservation of traditional lifestyles, such as family farming, also may have passive use values for the public. These values have not been measured, but they might offset some of the natural preservation value.

Given all of these factors, the Human Effects Workgroup has concluded that there are no contingent valuation results that can be unambiguously applied to differentiate the Framework alternatives in terms of the economic value of anadromous fish recovery. Nonetheless, the available studies do suggest that passive use values are probably the largest identifiable economic benefit associated with recovery of anadromous fish in the Columbia Basin. Based on the Olsen et al. (1991) and LBP (1999) studies, a doubling of numbers of salmon in the Columbia Basin probably would be worth $100 million to $1 billion annually in passive use value to residents of the region, with additional value for residents of other states. There are no studies available that estimate the value of endangered fish recovery independent of population levels.

Table 4-2 shows increases in chinook salmon populations under the Framework alternatives. Given the available information, any of these alternatives could have important passive use values, but their relative ranking is not entirely clear. For example, alternative 1 could rank close to last or above all other alternatives depending on how valuable hatchery fish are in comparison to natural fish. The Human Effects Analysis assumes that ranking for passive use values should be based on natural fish production, so Alternative 1 has the highest rank of any alternative. Alternatives 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, and 4 follow in that order. If total chinook populations were used, the ranking would be Alternative 2 first, followed by Alternatives 3, 5, or 6, and then Alternatives 1, 7, and 4.

Northwest residents may hold passive use values for a restored ecosystem independent of quantifiable impacts on fish and wildlife populations. A report to the COE (Loomis et al., 1999) claimed that "existing literature" from Colorado supports "a passive use value of $420 million for returning the Lower Snake River to free-flowing conditions, independent of any effect on salmon populations." The IEAB (1999), however, stated that "we are skeptical that the large populations in southern California will value the Lower Snake River as highly as Colorado residents value their own nearby rivers. Further, the referenced studies apparently do not establish that public passive use values for free-flowing rivers are proportional to the length of the rivers." Again, the Human Effects Workgroup concludes that none of the available contingent valuation studies can be unambiguously applied.

4.2.6 Other Benefits from Endangered Species Recovery

The study team has assumed that the probability of extinction of listed species would not change without the Framework alternatives and present recovery costs would continue indefinitely.With the implementation of alternatives, cost savings would be obtained from reduced costs allowed by delisting of the species. This expected value can be calculated as the increase in probability of recovery times the amount of reduced cost.

Strategies that preserve or enhance biodiversity would increase the probability that organisms valuable for their pharmaceutical, agricultural, or industrial values (for example, the Pacific Yew, harvested for its cancer-fighting compound, Taxol) will be available in the future.

Results of the EDT analysis are provided in terms of the status of populations throughout the Columbia River Basin. Status is expressed as healthy, low risk, high risk, and critical. Under the baseline assumptions, the order of the alternatives from the fewest critical populations to the most is: Alternatives 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, and 4. That is, Alternative 1 shows the least number of critical populations and Alternative 4 shows the most. All alternatives are improvements in comparison to current conditions.

4.2.7 Benefits Associated with Individual Strategy Blocks

Some benefits have been associated with particular Human Effects Strategy Blocks rather than fish, wildlife, or ecosystem recovery generally.

Facility Modifications and CWA Compliance. The alternatives include a variety of dam and related structural modifications which should improve compliance with Clean Water Act (CWA) water quality standards in the region. Many facility modifications are being considered to improve compliance with the CWA, and many of these are included in the Framework alternatives. Examples include deflectors, spillway modifications, modifications to fishways, surface bypass systems, juvenile bypass systems, turbine intake screening systems, and turbine improvements such as minimum gap runners. The CWA water quality goals most likely to be substantially improved are temperature and dissolved oxygen. Some other beneficial effects of these dam modifications would involve better upstream and downstream passage, fewer problems of gas supersaturation, and improved operations that could increase hydropower generation.

Most hydrosystem modifications were defined by the hydrosystem workgroup. Cost data were provided by the COE (Anderson, 1999) and the EPA (Socia, 1999). The data were compiled into the alternatives with additional information about the fish passage goals in each alternative. Facility modifications included in each alternative are shown in Table 4-9.

Dam Breaching. The major types of economic benefits associated with mainstem dam breaching are fisheries related: passive use values, tribal values, reduced ESA costs, recreational values, and commercial fishery values. These benefits were discussed above. Additional benefits associated with breaching the Lower Snake dams may include economic use of about 34,000 acres of formerly inundated land, and improved water quality downstream. Total acreage made available by breaching John Day and McNary would be roughly 30,000 and 13,800, respectively. None of these benefits has been quantified in dollar terms. Water quality improvements, especially temperature and dissolved oxygen, are being estimated by the EDT analysis.

Agricultural Soil and Water Conservation. Many habitat strategies would be directed at agricultural practices. Strategies that reduce erosion from farmland would help to maintain long-term farm productivity. Improved grazing management of grasslands could increase their future productivity for use by livestock. Strategies that reduce the use of pesticides may reduce the pace of development of pesticide resistance and extend their useful life, while potentially improving the structure and long-term productivity of agricultural soils.

Water quality related to nonpoint sources of pollution, particularly from farm and forest practices, may be improved by some strategies that seek to reduce erosion and runoff. Improved CWA compliance has benefits for water users in terms of increased utility of water, reduced treatment costs, and regulatory cost savings. Strategies that improve drinking water quality would reduce water treatment costs, improve the taste and appearance of drinking water, and foster human health.

Habitat strategies that reduce sedimentation from farmland or forestlands would extend the usable life of downstream reservoirs. Operations and maintenance costs of water diversion facilities and navigation channels might be reduced. Strategies that restore normative fire patterns in forestlands might reduce the severity of damage from future wildfires.

Habitat strategies that restore normative function of watersheds and riparian areas could increase their ability to store and release water. This could benefit downstream water users by providing more flow during dry periods, and downstream flood damages could be reduced. The benefits of habitat improvements in terms of improvements in fish and wildlife populations and environmental parameters have not been quantified. Benefits are discussed generally in Section 4.2.

The benefits of these measures include improved water quality and increased flows in tributaries and downstream. These benefits would depend substantially on how and when the improvements were obtained. Benefits and costs at any given site may differ substantially from typical or average conditions.

The benefits of improved forestry practices would include conservation of timber; benefits of improved forest ecosystems; possibly improved water quality, improved water retention, and reduced flooding downstream; and passive use values associated with forest preservation.

4.3 Adverse Effects

In contrast to beneficial effects, which are generally the product of all strategies, most adverse effects, especially costs, can be attributed to particular strategies or strategy blocks.

4.3.1 Hydrosystem Strategies

Hydrosystem strategies include all the strategies directed at the configuration or operation of reservoir facilities on the mainstem Columbia and Snake rivers. Hydropower reservoirs on tributaries also are included. The strategy blocks include the removal or construction of dams, modification of dam configuration to improve passage or downstream habitat conditions, and change in dam operations to affect reservoir storage, downstream flows, or water quality. Juvenile fish transportation is included here because the potential for successful transportation is closely linked to dam configurations.

Multi-species Framework Alternatives Hydrosim Analyses. Hydrology and hydropower simulation and hydropower valuation studies were prepared for the Framework alternatives. These studies include some of the strategies discussed in Sections (Dam Operations and Flow Management), and (Dam Breaching or Construction) below. The key characteristics of these studies are in Table 4-4. A more detailed description of how hydrosystem strategies were modeled is included as Appendix F.

Table 4-4
Summary of Hydrosystem Actions Included in the Alternatives
  Framework Alternatives
  Hydro Strategies 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Configuration Changes Lower Snake Dams Breach Breach Breach Test 98 Bi-Op 98 Bi-Op Pre WB
  John Day Breach Breach 98 Bi-Op 98 Bi-Op 98 Bi-Op 98 Bi-Op Pre WB
  McNary Breach 98 Bi-Op 98 Bi-Op 98 Bi-Op 98 Bi-Op 98 Bi-Op Pre WB
  Gas abatement Yes Yes Yes Test Test Yes No
  Surface bypass Yes Yes Yes Test Test Test Test
  JBS/screens Yes Yes Yes Test Test Test Test
Operations Flood control changes VAR Q VAR Q
  Storage rule curves IRCs No IRCs Test Test IRCs
  Flow objectives Normative hydrograph+ Normative hydrograph 98 Bi-Op Columbia only Test 98 Bi-Op Summer only
  Additional Upper Snake water No Yes No Test No No No
  Additional Canadian water Yes Yes Yes No Yes No No
  Minimize flow fluctuations Yes Yes Yes Test Yes Hanford only No
  Temperature control Yes Yes Yes Test Yes Yes No
Passage Smolt transport No No No Spread Risk Spread Risk Yes 
Spring and Summer
  Fish spill Yes Yes Yes Test
+ and -
  Turbine improvements Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
JBS = Juvenile Bypass System IRCs = Integrated Rule Curves
98 Bi-Op = At 1998 Biological Opinion levels Col = Columbia River
Pre WB = At pre-Water Budget levels SN = Snake River
Test = Develop and Test or Experiment + = More than the specified level
VAR Q = Variable Flow Flood Control - = Less than the specified level

Table 4-5 summarizes pertinent results from the hydrologic and hydropower modeling conducted for the Framework alternatives. Alternative 4 was used to model hydrology and power production under the common assumptions. Electricity generation was valued at projected market prices. Alternatives 1, 2, and 3 would result in annual power losses valued at $590 million, $320 million, and $250 million, respectively.


Value of Hydroelectric Generation in Framework Alternatives. Price and Difference from Alternative 41

  Price, mils Million $ Value of Sales, Annual Average
  Per kWh Alt 1 Alt 2 Alt 3 Alt 4 Alt 5 Alt 6 Alt 7
September 32.52 -47.8 24.9 -21.6 0.0 4.5 -1.2 39.5
October 26.16 -46.0 -34.9 -36.3 0.0 2.0 -0.5 23.4
November 32.62 -65.3 -32.1 17.6 0.0 -0.5 -0.5 55.5
December 33.23 -75.2 -42.3 -23.1 0.0 6.8 2.5 29.0
January 28.28 -122.5 -99.2 -33.5 0.0 -38.3 0.6 32.8
February 27.17 -70.2 -57.9 -11.3 0.0 -15.2 -0.7 19.9
March 25.76 5.8 -5.1 -16.0 0.0 -5.0 5.2 52.8
April 1 18.28 1.3 -6.1 -6.4 0.0 -3.9 6.2 1.3
April 2 18.28 -20.5 -5.6 -5.1 0.0 -4.1 -0.3 3.2
May 16.77 -27.2 -17.9 -20.6 0.0 -17.3 2.1 11.3
June 21.01 -27.8 -13.2 -32.8 0.0 -15.9 5.5 5.8
July 28.99 -15.4 -7.9 -36.4 0.0 4.5 0.1 -10.1
August 1 39.69 -37.4 -5.9 -17.4 0.0 4.9 -8.1 0.0
August 2 39.69 -41.8 -16.7 -6.5 0.0 15.8 9.1 -9.7
Average   -590.2 -319.9 -249.2 0.0 -61.7 20.1 254.6
1 From NWPPC.
2 Hydrosim modeling for Alternative 1 assumed IRCs.

By assumption, these costs would be passed to power ratepayers. Electricity market conditions might make this difficult. The consumption of more expensive hydropower at the wholesale level, which may be limited by the alternative costs of wholesalers, and consumption at the retail level may be affected by price-induced conservation. This behavior may have economic implications in addition to the direct costs. For example, businesses that have located or would locate in the region because of low electricity prices might decide to locate elsewhere.

Alternative 5 would result in a relatively small loss of power production, valued at about $60 million annually. Alternatives 6 and 7 would increase the value of power production by about $20 million and $250 million, annually, respectively.

Transmission and Distribution Costs. Breaching of the Lower Snake dams would require changes to the regional transmission system. Table 4-6 shows increased costs required for modifications to the electrical transmission and distribution system following breaching of the Lower Snake dams. Total costs are estimated to be about $22 million annually. Breaching of John Day or McNary also would require significant changes related to transmission system stability. Additional costs in alternatives 1 and 2 have not been estimated.

Table 4-6
Additional Cost for Transmission System Improvements, Framework Alternative 3
Transmission Reinforcement Needed to Mitigate Load Service Impacts of Dam Breaching Capital Cost2 ($million) Expected Annual Cost
Synchronous condensers on Lower Snake 1  
Modify John Day synchronous condensers 1  
Upgrade 230/115-kV lines (Eastern Washington) 10 to 20 $0.79
Schultz-Hanford 500-kV line 50 to 75 $3.29
Bell-Ashe 500-kV line   100 to 150 $6.58
Franklin 230/115-kV transformer 15 to 25 $1.05
Big Eddy-Ostrander 500-kV line 70 to 120 $5.00
Captain Jack-Meridian 500-kV line 80 to 130 $5.53
Total   325 to 520 $22.26
1Cost estimate not available.
2Midpoint of range, 4.75%, 50 years.

Source: USACE, 1999b. Dam Operations and Flow Management

The strategies included in this block would change the operations of existing dams to provide more flow downstream or to otherwise improve habitat conditions. Flow management strategies would operate reservoirs differently to achieve normative seasonal flow patterns, temperature, estuarine conditions or flooding; for channel maintenance; or to minimize dissolved gas or flow fluctuations. Tributary reservoirs could be managed to achieve normative flow conditions in tributary streams. Reservoir operation rules could be modified to achieve resident fish habitat goals using Integrated Rule Curves, or operation rules could be set to meet 1998 Bi-Op or other criteria. Other strategies would operate passage facilities for a longer period or all year.

Most operations and flow management strategies have been modeled in the hydropower simulations and their effects are included in the results discussed in Section 4.3. Appendix F shows which strategies have been included in the operations models and a summary is provided in Table 4-4. The major types of cost impacts involve hydropower, flood damages, water or storage rights, and recreation. Hydropower effects are shown in Table 4-5. Hydropower effects discussed here are in addition to effects shown in Table 4.5.

Additional flow augmentation from Snake River reservoirs would be used in Alternative 2, and additional water from Canadian reservoirs would be used in Alternatives 1, 2, 3, and 5.

Several sources of information are available concerning flow augmentation from the Upper Snake River. The USBR (USBR, 1999) considered the costs of obtaining 1 MAF of water for flow augmentation in the Lower Snake. Two scenarios were developed that differed primarily on the basis of the amount of reduction in consumptive use of crops needed to achieve the flow target. Results are shown in Table 4-7.

Table 4-7
U.S. Bureau of Reclamation Analysis of Snake River Flow Augmentation Scenarios 1
Variable Scenario 1427I Scenario 1427r
Reduction in crop consumptive use
Annual cost of compensating reductions in farm income (Million $)
Annual cost of hydropower losses (Million $)
Annual cost of recreation losses (Million $)
1 All annual values are based on a discount rate of 7.125 percent. Includes impacts above Brownlee Reservoir only. 1427I minimizes impacts on consumptive use by using stored water. 1427r minimizes impacts on storage by reducing consumptive use to obtain water. 

Source: USBR, 1999.

Total costs are estimated to vary between $70 million and $85 million annually. The human effects analysis assumes $75 million.

Additional Canadian water has been included in some hydrosystem model runs in terms of its effects on downstream flows, storage and power. The costs of this water in terms of lost generation, recreation and other values in Canadian reservoirs have not been estimated at this time.

Hydropower costs of two strategies were estimated based on probable implementation and secondary information from other hydrosystem model runs (Fazio, 1999). Hydrology 30.0 would manage flow to promote mainstem spawning below dams. Power costs are expected to be less than $10 million annually. Hydrology 9.0 would minimize daily flow fluctuations for up to three locations at a total cost of $5 million to $10 million annually.

Hydrology 8.0 would manage spill to minimize dissolved gas. Most costs associated with control of dissolved gas are counted as facility modification costs. Changes in power generation may or may not be important.

Biological Rule Curves (BRCs) would be implemented by Hydrology 37.0. BRCs were not modeled because it is not known how they would be implemented.

The effects of many other strategies in this Human Effects Block cannot be estimated because the strategy is not well specified or because little information is available about that type of strategy at this time. In particular:

  • Habitat 5.0 would regulate tributary storage releases to provide normative flows. Other habitat strategies (7.0, 25.0, 32.0, 33.0, 34.0) would allow more water to be saved in reservoirs and released later to increase flows. No other actions are assigned to Habitat 5.0.
  • Hydrology 14.0 would provide flow to re-establish normative estuarine and plume, and salinity conditions. The potential effects of this strategy are unknown, but costs could be large because large volumes of water may be required to make a difference in the estuary.
  • Hydrology 26.0 would provide flow to produce normative downstream temperatures. The potential effects of this strategy are unknown, but costs could be large because large volumes of water may be required to reduce temperatures and meet goals.
  • Hydrology 1.0 would provide channel maintenance flows below dams and Hydrology 10.0 would provide normative seasonal flow and flooding. The potential cost impacts of these strategies are not believed to be large as long as the increased flows were required infrequently and limited in duration.

Most alternatives were designed so that risks and severity of flooding would not be increased. It is believed that Alternative 2 would increase the risk and severity of flooding because of changes to flood control rules in Dworshak, Brownlee, and Coulee.

The hydrology results have not been analyzed in terms of their effects on flatwater and riverine recreation or consumptive use of water in upstream reservoirs. Potentially affected facilities include Libby, Hungry Horse, Grand Coulee, Dworshak, and Brownlee. Potential adverse or beneficial effects involve fluctuations in elevation and their effects on resident fish and wildlife and reservoir surface areas. Results from the hydrology analysis (Appendix F) show that average summer water elevations are substantially lower in Dworshak in Alternatives 4 and 5 compared to the other alternatives, and elevations in the other reservoirs are generally lower. Elevations in Alternatives 1 and 7 are generally higher than the other alternatives. Dam Breaching or Construction

The major types of adverse effects of breaching, in addition to hydropower losses, would include a loss of commercial navigation and flatwater recreation, implementation costs (breaching work, bank protection, rail and road work, land restoration, relocation of access and fishing areas), additional costs for modifications to transmission facilities, and costs to reconfigure water diversion facilities and other structures.

The Lower Snake breaching actions in Feasibility Study alternative A3 correspond to Framework Alternative 3, and Feasibility Study alternative B1 includes breaching of the Lower Snake and John Day dams corresponding to Framework Alternative 2. Modifications at McNary were not considered in any Feasibility Study alternatives. Also, none of the DREW Feasibility Studies, except hydropower, evaluated alternative B1. Breaching of John Day is being evaluated in the COE John Day Drawdown Study.

Table 4-8 shows increased costs of monthly electric bills from Snake River drawdown in Feasibility Study alternative A3. Residential BPA customers would pay $5.30 per month more on average. BPA industrial customers and aluminum companies would see cost increases ranging up to hundreds of thousands of dollars monthly. No quantitative information is available concerning the effect of these cost increases on the behavior of businesses in the region.

Table 4-8
Potential Monthly Electric Bill Increases from Snake River Drawdown Alternative (Similar to Framework Alternative 3)
Consumer Type Avg. Electricity Consumed
Average Monthly
Increase for
Replacement Power Only
Average Monthly Increase for Replacement Power plus 90% Breaching Implementation Cost
    BPA Load1 PNW Load  BPA Load PNW Load
Residential 1,113 $5.25 $1.07 $5.30 $1.50
Commercial 6,199 $29.25 $6.01 $29.30 $8.60
Industrial 280,848 $1,325.60 $272.42 $1,325.60 $387.40
Aluminum 160,600,000 $758,032.00 $155,282.00 $758,028.80 $221,538.60
1 Increased cost averaged over BPA customers. BPA = Bonneville Power Administration. PNW Load is averaged over entire region. PNW = Pacific Northwest. 

Source: Foster Wheeler Corporation, 1999, from DREW HIT team.

Transportation Costs. The existing reservoirs on the Columbia and Snake Rivers support commercial navigation to Lewiston, Idaho. Grains, primarily wheat and barley, account for about three-quarters of the tonnage shipped on the Lower Snake River. Petroleum products, wood chips and logs, and other forestry products account for much of the remainder. A few companies account for the majority of vessels operated, as well as the majority of traffic. In 1995, one company operated 72 vessels that transported a little more than 50 percent of the total commodity tonnage. This company operated 77 percent of all tankers in use (USACE, 1999c). This level of market concentration is likely to have impacts on transportation pricing?both for barge transportation and its major alternative, rail. Net effects on pricing and regional costs are not clear at this time.

Three of the alternatives would breach mainstem dams and commercial navigation above the dam sites would be infeasible. Information about transportation impacts is available from DREW, and preliminary information has been provided from the John Day Drawdown Study (USACE, 2000).

With the Lower Snake reservoirs breached in Alternative 3, barge transportation would continue downstream of Tri-cities. Transportation costs counted by DREW were the increased costs of transporting products either by rail to Portland or by truck to Tri-Cities and by barge from there to Portland. Only two alternatives?with or without the Lower Snake reservoirs?were considered. In the base condition, average annual shipping costs for the period of 2007 to 2106 were estimated to be $210 million annually. With drawdown, annual costs increased to $238 million annually. The difference in costs is about $28 million annually. The annualized difference at 4.75 percent using a base year of 2005 is $25 million annually.

These costs do not include new infrastructure cost estimated to be $210 million to $535 million, or roughly $10 million to $30 million annualized. Improvements in regional rail and highway transportation would be beneficial for many residents, potentially compensating this cost.

In Alternatives 1 and 2, Tri-cities would no longer be a port, and Portland likely would be the upstream port of the system. The John Day drawdown study group has estimated that the increased cost of transportation for products with the John Day dam removed would be about $95 million annually (USACE, 2000). It is believed that this cost would apply to Alternatives 1 and 2. Alternative 2 would keep McNary but additional costs for on-loading and off-loading to maintain navigability through McNary would be prohibitive.

Costs to Water Users. About 167,000 acres of irrigated lands are served from the John Day Reservoir, about 125,000 from the McNary Reservoir, and 37,000 from Ice Harbor Reservoir. Breaching or lowering of reservoirs would require improvements to surface irrigation diversions. In addition, many wells benefit from the raised ground water levels caused by reservoir storage nearby. For Lower Snake breaching the annualized costs of impacts to pump irrigators, based on the land value approach, were estimated to be $6.4 million. Costs to municipal/industrial water suppliers and private wells were estimated to be $0.5 million to $2.7million and $2.7 million, respectively, for a total of $9.6 million to $11.8 million (USACE, 1999d). The Human Effects Analysis assumes $11 million.

Pacam Engineering and IRZ Consulting (1991, 1991a) estimated costs to extend pump lines and improve facilities, and additional operation and maintenance (O&M) costs for some surface water diversions from McNary and John Day. Using their data to extrapolate to all acreage irrigated from both reservoirs (pools), annualized costs to maintain water supply for operations "below minimum operating pool" would be $5.8 million to $6.4 million. This cost is believed to be too low because it does not consider costs associated with permanent drawdown to natural river.

The COE is conducting the John Day Drawdown Study Phase I to consider the impacts of drawdown to spillway or natural river (USACE, 2000). Preliminary information from the study estimates a one-time cost of $425 million for canals from the McNary Reservoir to serve John Day irrigators, or about $22 million annually. A cost of about $122 million or $6 million annually would be required for municipal and industrial water supply. These costs are used in the Human Effects Analysis.

The method used for McNary applies the per acre cost for pump irrigators from the Feasibility Study to the 125,000 acres irrigated from the McNary Reservoir. About 37,000 acres are irrigated from the Ice Harbor Reservoir, so estimated costs for the McNary Reservoir irrigators are $21.6 million (125/37 times $6.4 million).

Recreation Costs. The benefits section above discusses benefits from drawdown of the Lower Snake reservoirs. Lost fishing benefits were estimated to be about $1.7 million annually, and non-fishing reservoir benefits were estimated to be about $31.6 million annually.

The John Day drawdown study has estimated a net recreation loss of $2.4 million annually from breaching that facility (USACE, 2000). The net economic cost or benefit, exclusive of anadromous fishing benefits, is not believed to be large.

Lake Wallula, behind McNary dam, currently experiences about 5 million days of visitation annually (USACE, 1999c). No estimates of the net recreation costs or benefits from breaching McNary are available. If daily values and use patterns from DREW can be extended to McNary, estimated economic costs of the 5 million days can be estimated. DREW found that about nine-tenths of trips were general recreation valued at $71 per trip, and one-tenth was reservoir fishing valued at $29 per trip. Assuming the same distribution of use and assuming 2.6 days per trip, the value of lost recreation in McNary would be over $125 million (4.5*27.3+0.5*11.2) annually. This estimate is not used in the analysis because no estimates of recreation benefits on the restored river are available.

Breaching Implementation Costs. Total cost of implementing Lower Snake drawdown exclusive of water supply costs discussed above, has been estimated to be about $800 million without water supply costs included or roughly $42 million annually using the 4.75 percent discount rate.

Cost estimates from the John Day Drawdown Study (USACE 2000) are preliminary and have not been reviewed by HEW members. With drawdown to natural river, costs would be required for dam modifications ($1.358 billion), shoreline costs ($1.055 billion), utilities ($19 million), recreation ($27 million), erosion control ($66 million), and cultural costs ($189 million). Total annualized costs amount to $143 million. No information is available about costs of breaching McNary. Costs are assumed to be similar to costs for John Day. The additional implementation cost for breaching McNary is assumed to be $2.0 billion or $105 million annualized.

Annual costs avoided by breaching include ongoing O&M and new facilities modification costs no longer needed because of breaching. Annual O&M costs for Snake River facilities are estimated to be about $34 million. Annual O&M costs avoided at John Day and McNary in Alternative 1 are assumed to be $10 million at each facility. O&M costs are shown by alternative with all other facility costs in Table 4-9. Additional costs of breaching may include downstream sedimentation and mitigation. Downstream sedimentation costs would occur as sediment is eroded from the former reservoir bottoms and conveyed to downstream reservoirs. Economic costs are unknown. Mitigation costs are discussed in Section 5.6. Most mitigation costs would be associated with training and relocation of workers in transportation and natural resource industries.

This strategy block includes strategy Hydrology 15.0, removal of economically marginal dams on tributaries that block anadromous passage. Some information is available about breaching smaller dams on tributaries. Recent negotiations have resulted in an agreement to remove Condit Dam (Columbia Basin Bulletin, CBB, 9/24/99), and Portland General Electric has proposed to remove Marmot Dam on the mainstem Sandy River and Little Sandy Dam on the Little Sandy River (CBB, 5/28/99). These sources have provided estimated costs of removal as well as the amount of hydropower production lost. Typical removal costs would be $10 million to $20 million per dam, and typical hydropower production capacity is 10 to 20 megawatts. Based on these data and a value of $0.03 per kWh, annualized costs and revenue losses range from $3.5 million to $6 million per dam. However, it is believed that these and similar facilities would be required to pay annual costs equal to or greater than benefits if they remained in operation. Therefore, no net cost is assigned.

The Framework strategies currently do not identify specific impoundments that might be removed or breached. Enloe and Zosel dams have been discussed in the past as possible additional candidates for removal. The analysis assumes that up to 10 small dams would be removed in Alternative 1. Half this number would be removed in Alternatives 2, 3, and 5, and only the three facilities currently planned for removal would be removed in Alternative 4, 6, and 7. Facility Modifications

The strategies included in this block would change the facilities at existing dams to facilitate passage and water quality goals. Examples include new fish ladders, surface bypass structures, other bypass improvements, modified turbines, turbine intake screening systems, and facilities for gas abatement.

The major types of adverse effects would involve the implementation costs. Changes in operations costs to use the facilities might be required, however, some of the changes in operations might reduce costs.

Table 4-9 shows capital and annualized costs of some of the options being considered in the federal caucus process, and costs that may be required for temperature and dissolved gas control. Breaching, water supply, and related implementation costs are included to ensure comparable costs and cost savings across alternatives. All costs are annualized using the 4.75 percent discount rate. Each annualized cost is shown by alternative and costs in each alternative are summed.

For Alternative 1, for example, breaching of the Lower Snake facilities would cost $52 million annualized, but O&M costs and facility costs not required would amount to at least $40 million annualized (for Alternative 4, 1.16+0.26+. . . +34.1). Implementation costs for John Day and McNary breaching would be more than $237 million annualized (132 + 105 ). A large number of modifications at other facilities bring the total annual cost to $409 million annually.

Facility Modification Costs, Implementation Costs, Juvenile Transportation Costs, and Annual Operating and Maintenance Costs1
  Million $ Capital  Million $ Annual  Million $ Annual Cost by Alternative
Type of Cost Cost Cost 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Breaching and Water Supply Costs                  
Lower Snake River breaching 800 42.14 42.14 42.14 42.14        
LSR Breaching water supply costs   11.00 11.00 11.00 11.00        
McNary breaching (guess) 2000 105.35 105.35            
McNary breaching water supply costs   21.60 21.60            
John Day breaching 2714 142.96 142.96 142.96          
John Day breaching water supply costs 547 28.8 28.81 28.81          
Operating and Maintenance at Affected Facilities
Snake River O&M   34.10       34.1 34.1 34.1 34.1
McNary O&M (guess)   10.00     10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00
John Day O&M (guess)   10.00   10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00
Lower Snake Juvenile Fish Transport Costs
Lower Granite juvenile fish facility 22 1.16       1.16 1.16 1.16 1.16
Barges for spread risk transport 5 0.26       0.26 0.26    
Barges for max transport 10 0.53           0.53 0.53
Auxiliary water supply 10 0.53       0.53 0.53 0.53 0.53
Surface bypass coll. LGR 50 2.63           2.63 2.63
Surface bypass all projects 157 8.27         8.27    
JBS improvements 9 0.47       0.47 0.47 0.47 0.47
Fast track DGAS/spill for spread risk transport 32 1.69       1.69 1.69    
Fast track DGAS/spill for max transport 10 0.53           0.53 0.53
Additional Lower Snake Modifications                  
Lower Monumental extended screensoutfall (turbine intake screening system) 16 0.84       0.84 0.84 2.53  
CWA Lower Snake additional fast track 2 22 1.16           1.16 1.16
CWA Dworshak (addn units or deflectors) 2 10 0.53       0.53 0.53 0.53 0.53
System actions 3 67-92 3.5-4.8              
Emergency AWS 3 0.16   0.16 0.16 0.16 0.16    
Gas fastrack for spread risk 26 1.37   1.37 1.37 1.37 1.37    
Gas fastrack for max transport 10 0.53           0.53 0.53
Surface bypass/collector 75 3.95              
Surface bypass 55 2.90   2.90 2.90        
JBS improvements 5 0.26   0.26 0.26 0.26      
John Day                  
End bay deflectors 5 0.26     0.26 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.26
Surface bypass (Skeleton bay) 54 2.84     2.84        
ESBSs (Turbine intake screening) 43 2.27     2.27 2.27      
Fishway exit modifications 6 0.32     0.32 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.32
Columbia Above Snake River                  
Chief Joseph                  
CWA Deflectors 2 40 2.11 2.11 2.11 2.11        
CWA addn units or deflectors 2 20 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05    
The Dalles                  
Blocked trashracks (SWI) 6 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.32
Gas fast track (deflectors) 13 0.68 0.68 0.68 0.68 0.68 0.68    
Sluiceway outfall 25 1.32 1.32 1.32 1.32 1.32 1.32 1.32 1.32
Emergency AWS 12 0.63 0.63 0.63 0.63 0.63 0.63 0.63 0.63
Adult collection channel dewatering 6 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.32
Juvenile Bypass System 110 5.79 5.79 5.79          
Bonneville 4                  
B1 FGE & outfall impr. or surface bypass 250 13.17 13.17 13.17 13.17        
B2 curtain or corner collector & FGE improvements 95 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00
Gas fast track 25 1.32 1.32 1.32 1.32 1.32 1.32    
Improve B2 emergency AWS or alternate emergency AWS 30 1.58 1.58 1.58 1.58 1.58 1.58 1.58 1.58
Adult fallback 10 0.53 0.53 0.53 0.53 0.53 0.53 0.53 0.53
Other Gas and Temperature Measures 5
Grand Coulee gas abatement on line 2008 300 13.13 13.13 13.13 13.13        
Chief Joseph temp on line 2011 40 1.52 1.52 1.52 1.52        
Lower Mon. gas side channel spillway, 2008 410 17.94              
Lower Snake, temp, adult fishway projects, 2004 20 1.05       1.05 1.05    
Bonneville, gas, baffled spillway, 2010 706 28.15 28.15 28.15 28.15        
McNary side channel spillway, 2012 740 26.89   26.89 26.89        
Lower Col., temp, adult fishway, 2012  20 0.73 0.73 0.73 0.73 0.73 0.73 0.73 0.73
Minimum Gap Runners (only during replacement) 6 0.16 0.16 0.25 0.12 0.12 0.44 0.12
Total     429.36 343.99 182.20 78.86 84.60 76.13 73.27
Note: Base year 2005, 4.75 percent discount rate. 
1 Federal first cost only; does not include non-federal costs ($250 million to $300 million) or other economic effects.
2 CWA items here are those likely or potentially required for direct improvement to fish survival. Additional measures for meeting CWA standards reflected in separate estimate.
3 System actions include miscellaneous and on-going studies and potential R&D such as improved turbine passage survival program.
4 Bonneville cost could be lower by as much as $175 million depending on choices (for example, B1 surface bypass or FGE/outfall).
5 Annual costs based on date of implementation noted.
6 Based on costs of installing minimum gap runners when turbines, blades, and runners are being replaced anyway.

Source: Personal Communications, Whit Anderson, USACE; , USACE (2000); Mary Lou Soscia, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency; Sorenson, USACE. Organization into alternatives based on information from USACE, hydrology workgroup and alternatives descriptions.

One Framework strategy (Hydrology 16.0) in this Human Effects Block would restore anadromous fish passage above existing blockages. This strategy has been combined with a similar habitat strategy (Habitat 13.0). Another strategy (Hydrology 25.0) would eliminate use of extended length screens at all projects. No specific consideration of this has been accomplished. Another strategy (Hydrology 5.0) would discourage proliferation of shad via adult passage facilities. The impacts of this strategy are unknown. Juvenile Transportation

Smolt transport currently uses trucks and barges to carry young anadromous fish downstream past reservoirs, turbines, and other sources of mortality. Current fish transportation operating costs for Snake River stocks are about $1.2 million annually (Sorenson, 1999).

Juvenile transportation would not be used in Framework Alternatives 1, 2, and 3 because juvenile fish barges would not be able to operate. In Alternative 4, transportation would be experimental and used on a spread-the-risk basis (that is, a larger share of smolts would be transported in low-flow conditions) and transportation past McNary would occur in summer only. This is similar to current practices.

Alternative 5 also would adopt spread-the-risk, and only barges (no trucking) would be used. Surface bypass systems would be installed on all four Lower Snake projects at a cost of $157 million or $8.3 million in annualized costs (Table 4-9). Alternative 6 would maximize transport in spring and summer, and extended length screens would be installed at collector projects. Alternative 7 also would maximize juvenile transportation. The costs in Table 4-9 include capital and operating costs required to implement the juvenile transportation strategies included in each alternative.

Other potential transportation strategies, including use of transportation only on an emergency basis (Alternative 5), and changes to juvenile transportation around the Lower Columbia dams, were not evaluated.

Table 4-10 summarizes the available information about the costs of mainstem hydrosystem strategies. It includes summaries of cost data in Tables 4-5 to 4-9 as well as all other costs of hydrosystem strategies that have been quantified. The table includes juvenile passage and O&M costs, but not habitat, hatchery, or harvest costs.

Hydropower costs are by far the largest category of costs and breaching costs account for most of the remainder. Transportation costs are important, particularly because of their regional focus. O&M and juvenile transportation costs are largest in those alternatives that do not include breaching.

Alternative 1 shows the largest cost, but benefits are not included. Alternative 7 shows a net benefit because increased hydropower production is included, but potential costs to tribes and costs of reduced compliance with environmental laws are not included.

TABLE 4-10

Economic Costs Associated with Dam Breaching, Facility Modifications, and Hydrosystem Actions, Million $/yr.

  Million $ Annual Cost by Alternative
Category of Cost 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Breaching costs, not water supply 290.4 185.1 42.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Water supply costs from breached facilities 61.4 39.8 11.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
O&M costs at affected facilities 0.0 10.0 20.0 54.1 54.1 54.1 54.1
New juvenile transportation costs 0.0 0.0 0.0 4.1 12.4 5.8 5.8
Lower Snake facility modification costs 0.0 0.0 0.0 5.4 5.4 8.2 5.7
John Day and McNary facility costs 0.0 4.7 10.4 4.6 2.1 1.1 1.1
Other facility modification costs 77.5 104.4 98.7 14.6 14.6 10.9 10.5
Transportation costs 95.0 95.0 25.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Hydropower losses 590.2 319.9 249.2 0.0 61.7 -20.1 -254.6
Snake River flow augmentation 0.0 75.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Hydrology Strategies 9 and 30 10.0 10.0 20.0 10.0 20.0 0.0 0.0
Additional transmission costs 1 22.3 22.3 22.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Recreation losses 1 33.3 33.3 33.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Total Economic Costs Counted 1180.2 899.5 532.0 92.9 170.3 60.0 -177.3
1 Estimates are a minimum because incremental costs from breaching John Day or McNary are not included.

4.3.2 Habitat Strategies

Habitat strategies aim to improve conditions for fish and wildlife through land management, restoration of normative stream characteristics, or passage improvements. Many habitat strategies would affect, or have the potential to affect, land uses that rely on water or land adjacent to streams.

Economic costs are generally the costs of the economic activities that are impaired or eliminated, plus implementation costs. By assumption, strategies requiring private resources would be voluntary, so private interests would not participate unless the costs were compensated. The lost use and implementation costs are passed to electricity ratepayers and taxpayers.

The Human Effects Habitat Strategy Blocks are organized according to the major types of human activities affected?agriculture, forestry, and urban lands. Habitat actions to restore riparian lands may affect any of these activities. Actions to modify in-stream areas and in-stream passage generally would not create a loss of economic activity on private lands; for those types of actions, the economic costs are generally just the costs of implementing the actions.

The Human Effects Analysis has developed preliminary methods to estimate habitat costs based on typical habitat improvement practices and unit costs of implementing the practices. Typical practices and their unit costs are described below. Data about typical practices were obtained from a variety of sources, especially the USDA, BPA and state governments. For this report, the amount of resource (acres of land, water, miles of stream, amount of construction) affected by each practice is largely assumed because the necessary information from the ecological analysis is not yet available. This Human Effects Analysis uses information from the Ecological Workgroup?s land use database and from the USGS Water Use Information Program (USGS, WRD, 1995) to identify the total amount of land in various uses by ecological province. Most assumptions about the amount of forest and agricultural land affected by practices are expressed as a share of this potential land base. Data from the land use database are summarized in Table 4-11.

Table 4-11
Land Use by Ecological Province (in 1,000 acres)
  Agriculture Federal Forest Nonfederal Forest Federal Range Nonfederal Range  Urban Water Wetland
Lower Columbia 1,905 3,776 4,595 66 35 605 229 54
Columbia Gorge 233 509 368 4 55 16 48 1
Columbia Plateau 9,320 5,644 5,149 2,070 7,178 275 437 63
Cascade Columbia 183 2,601 777 168 754 19 225 17
Blue Mountains 1,069 1,723 716 290 1,124 22 67 3
Mountain Snake 1,000 9,026 1,504 2,375 585 26 423 7
Inter-mountain 913 969 2,848 31 413 120 119 4
Middle Snake 1,667 4,120 1,188 7,985 4,577 120 316 86
Upper Snake 4,488 2,659 483 11,102 3,232 162 1,083 163
Mountain Columbia 1,128 11,177 5,375 735 1,471 140 1,459 57
Total 21,906 42,206 23,002 24,826 19,424 1,505 4,405 455
Source: Freid, 1999. No habitat strategies for the Middle Snake and Upper Snake regions have been specified. Intensity of Habitat Restoration Activities

The Ecological Workgroup has defined general levels of intensity of habitat restoration (on a scale of 1 to 3) for the Framework alternatives to specify the effect of the Framework alternatives on the environment. Intensity levels are defined by their goals rather than the nature of their implementation actions. Human effects, however, depend on the types and extent of actions required. In the Human Effects Analysis, the intensity of habitat restoration is represented by the share of potential land use affected by the practices in each strategy. In this draft, we are unable to ensure that the level of intensity assumed for the Human Effects Analysis is comparable to that implied by the ecological assumptions. Sources of Information on Unit Costs

Information about habitat costs is available from many sources. Tables in Appendix B show costs and goals for habitat projects recently proposed or approved by the states or BPA. The study team has reviewed the costs and proposals for many of these actions and unit costs have been derived where possible. The USDA provides cost-sharing and technical assistance for many types of practices that would be used in the Framework alternatives. Unit costs and actual expenditures by state are available. ICBEMP provides data about costs of forestry practices. Other sources are cited as needed below. Habitat/Water Use on Agricultural Lands and Screening of Irrigation Diversions

The strategies included in this block would reduce agricultural pesticides, nutrients, and pathogens, grazing impacts to riparian areas, irrigation water use, and agricultural impacts to riparian and aquatic resources. More irrigation diversions would be screened.

Tables B-1 through B-5 in Appendix B show costs of some agriculturally related habitat programs and screening programs in the Columbia Basin. Many of the habitat programs involve technical assistance and planning at a general level and unit costs cannot be identified. For other programs, such as those administered by the USDA, unit costs can be readily identified (Tables B-4 and B-5, Appendix B). USDA programs, such as the Environmental Quality Incentives Program and formerly the Agricultural Conservation Program, have a long history with a large number of standard practices that are similar to practices likely to be implemented under the Framework alternatives.

The ICBEMP has evaluated alternative management policies for rangelands administered by the USDA Forest Service and USDI Bureau of Land Management in most of the Columbia River basin and portions of the northern Great Basin and the upper Klamath River basin (USDA Forest Service/USDI BLM, 1997a, 1997b; USDA Forest Service/USDI BLM, in press). Basin lands not in the analysis include the Willamette River basin, tributary watersheds below the Klickitat River in Washington, and Canada.

The proposed focus of management direction for these lands -- subject to additional public comment and final agency decision -- is to maintain, and where necessary, to restore the health and sustainability of rangeland, and associated aquatic and riparian, ecosystems. This would be accomplished by protective measures undertaken for key aquatic and terrestrial habitats and for riparian areas, and by active restoration measures to improve the structure and functioning of degraded ecosystems. Investments would be made in rangeland restoration and improvements, and changes would be made in rangeland management practices in order to accomplish the desired ecosystem objectives.

Data are provided in the environmental documents and supporting background reports about typical revenues and costs per Animal Unit Month and typical costs per acre for rangeland restoration and improvements (USDA Forest Service/USDI BLM, 1997a, 1997b; in press; Quigley and Arbelbide, 1997).

Data about the amounts of irrigation withdrawal and irrigated land by ecosystem province have been compiled. Table 4-12 shows agricultural land by type of agriculture. Data about total agricultural use is from the EDT database. The USGS database provided information about irrigated land by method, and withdrawals of ground water and surface water. Land irrigated with groundwater and surface water was estimated from the data about withdrawals of groundwater and surface water and by assuming that land irrigated with groundwater and surface water withdraws the same amount per acre. With this assumption, total irrigated land can be split into land irrigated with each water source.

Table 4-13 shows assumptions about the strategies, amount of land affected, and range of unit costs for strategies that would affect agricultural land use. Unit costs are based on data in Appendix B, Tables B-1 through B-5. A range of costs is used where substantial uncertainty exists.

In general, habitat implementation intensities of 3, 2 and 1 were assumed to affect 33, 10, and 5 percent of agricultural land, respectively, in the relevant land use type in any region in which the strategy applied. Data about riparian acreage are not available. Therefore, assumptions for strategies targeted to riparian land are expressed as amount of acreage affected.

Table 4-12
Agricultural Land Use by Ecological Province (in 1,000 acres)
        Irrigated Land by Method Irrigated Land by Water Source
  Total Agriculture Dryland Agriculture Irrigated Sprinkler Micro Surface Ground-water Surface Water
Lower Columbia 1,905 1,471 434 427 5 2 159 275
Columbia Gorge 233 202 31 29 1 1 4 27
Columbia Plateau 9,320 7,350 1,970 1,336 71 563 212 1,757
Cascade Columbia 183 13 170 133 10 27 14 156
Blue Mountains 1,069 992 78 52 0 26 4 74
Mountain Snake 1,000 932 68 49 0 19 5 63
Inter-mountain 913 853 60 56 4 0 31 29
Middle Snake 1,667 910 757 227 0 530 58 699
Upper Snake 4,488 2,158 2,330 1,664 0 666 524 1,806
Mountain Columbia 1,128 1,118 10 10 0 0 0 10
Total 21,906 15,999 9,230 6,223 141 2,866 1,579 7,651
Source: Total from EDT database. All others from USGS, WRD, 1995, except dryland estimated as total minus irrigated.

As an example, reduced pesticide application would be accomplished by the use of better pest management and scouting. These practices are assumed to result in no net loss of crop production, so the only economic cost is the implementation. A typical cost for these practices is $5 to $10 per acre. Anywhere where a habitat intensity of 3 applies, the cost is applied to 33 percent of all irrigated and dryland agriculture.

Table 4-13
Assumptions for Practices for Strategies that Affect Agricultural Land Use
Stra-tegy Descriptor Assumption on Land Affected Typical Practices to Implement Assumption on amount of share of land affected by intensity level Cost range, $/yr when done
Hab 11.0 Nutrient and pathogen load reduction from grazingagriculture 5% irrigated land and all rangeland Deferred grazing, planned grazing, proper grazing, grazing land protection 3 = 33 percent, 2 = 10 percent, 1 = 5 percent $1 - $7 per acre plus $10 per lost Animal Unit Month(AUM)
Hab 14.0 Pesticide reduction Irrigated and dryland crops Pest management, pest scouting cost 3 = 33 percent, 2 = 10 percent, 1 = 5 percent $5 - $10 per acre
Hab 17.0 Reduce grazing impacts to riparianaquatic ecosystem Livestock on riparian lands Fencing, livestock wells 3 = 100,000 acres, 2 = 50,000 acres, 1 = 20,000 acres $3 per ac fences +$10/AUM plus wells, $10 to $20 per ac
Hab 25.0 Groundwater management to maintain flow Groundwater irrigated crops Acquire lease options to eliminate groundwater withdrawals for irrigation in dry years, fallow land 3 = 33 percent, 2 = 10 percent, 1 = 5 percent, all in 1 out of 4 years $100 to $300 per acre
Hab 32.0 Halt new water withdrawal permits New irrigated crop acreage We have assumed this will occur as a common assumption  
Hab 33.0 Reduce existing permits for water withdrawal Surface water irrigated crops Acquire lease options to eliminate surface water withdrawals for irrigation in dry years, fallow land 3 = 33 percent, 2 = 10 percent, 1 = 5 percent, all in 1 out of 4 years $100 to $300 per acre
Hab 34.0 Encourage cultivation of less water-intensive crops Irrigated crops Pay farmers to switch from higher-using crops (alfalfa, corn) to small grains 3 = 33 percent, 2 = 10 percent, 1 = 5 percent, all in 1 out of 2 years $50 per acre
Hab 7.0 Agricultural water conservation Surface water irrigated crops Irrigation water conservation, irrigation water management 3 = 33 percent, 2 = 10 percent, 1 = 5 percent, in all years $50 per acre
Hab 8.0 Irrigation waste water treatment Surface irrigation crops (not sprinkler) Tailwater recovery 3 = 33 percent, 2 = 10 percent, 1 = 5 percent, in all years $20-$40 per acre
Hab 19.0 Manage land use and riparian conditions to maintain water quality Livestock and irrigated crops on riparian lands Acquire riparian land 3 =100,000 acres, 2= 50,000 acres, 1 = 20,000 acres $50 to $500 per acre
Hab 37.0 Develop habitats to link terrestrial preserves and refugia Management Manage terrestrial lands, convert some ag land to conserving use, ACRES 3=50,000 acres, 2=25,000 acres, 1 =5,000 acres $20/acre/yr
Hab 38.0 Protect high quality terrestrial habitats while allowing restricted use Livestock Lease land, defer grazing 3=1,000,000 acres, 2=500,000 acres, 1= 100,000 acres $5 to $10/acre/yr
Hab-1.0 Reduce agricultural impacts to riparianaquatic ecosystem Irrigated crops on riparian lands Conservation tillage, filter strips, stream protection 3 =100,000 acres, 2= 50,000 acres, 1 = 20,000 acres $25 to $100 per acre
Source: Sources described in Appendix B. Habitat on Forest Lands

The strategies included in this block would limit clearcuts; provide normative ecotones (ecological transition areas), age structure, species composition, and fire frequency; reduce density of forest roads; and reduce forestry impacts to riparian and aquatic ecosystems. Costs would include the net economic value of lost timber production, changes in the economic costs of these activities, and implementation costs.

The ICBEMP has evaluated alternative management policies for forest lands administered by the USDA Forest Service and USDI Bureau of Land Management in most of the Columbia River basin and portions of the northern Great Basin and the upper Klamath River basin (USDA Forest Service/USDI BLM, 1997a, 1997b; USDA Forest Service/USDI BLM, in press). Basin lands not in the analysis include the Willamette River basin, tributary watersheds below the Klickitat River in Washington, the area along the east side of the Cascade crest already covered by the Northwest Forest Plan, and Canada.

The proposed focus of management direction for these lands -- subject to additional public comment and final agency decision -- is to maintain, and where necessary, to restore the health and sustainability of forest, and associated aquatic and riparian, ecosystems. This would be accomplished by protective measures undertaken for key aquatic and terrestrial habitats and for riparian areas, and by active restoration measures to improve the structure and functioning of degraded ecosystems. Large-scale thinning of unhealthy stands, and reduction of excess fuels through mechanical means and with prescribed fire, would be employed as restoration tools to achieve the desired ecosystem objectives.

Data are provided in the environmental documents and supporting background reports about typical revenues and costs per acre by ecological region and by harvest practices, including shelterwood, group selection, and thinning harvest methods (USDA Forest Service/USDI BLM, 1997a, 1997b; in press; Quigley and Arbelbide, 1997). Other data sources include Public Forestry (1999), Pacific Rivers Council (1993), and Warren (1999). Assumptions for the extent and unit costs of practices are in Table 4-14.

In the past, public lands in the Columbia River basin have contributed up to 60 percent of total timber harvest from all ownerships. However, that percentage has been declining steadily over the past two decades, and is expected to be only about 35 percent over the next 30 to 40 years (Quigley and Arbelbide, 1997).

Table 4-14
Assumptions for Extent of Practices for Strategies that Affect Forestry
Stra-tegy Descriptor Assumption on Land Affected Typical Practices to Implement Assumption on maximum amount to share of land affected 1 Cost range, $/yr when done
Hab 39.0 Limit size and frequency of clearcuts Land harvested Limit to 60 acres (FSC recommendation) All harvested land = 2% of nonfederal $6 to $70 per acre
Hab 40.0 Normative fire frequency Forest land More controlled burn 5 percent of forested acres annually $25 to $50 per acre
Hab 41.0 Develop normative forest age structure and species composition Land harvested Shelterwood harvest method Half of harvested land (2% nonfederal, 0.3% federal) $50 per acre harvested, plus interest on 15% of gross
Hab 42.0 Provide gradual forest ecotones Land harvested Group selection harvest method Half of harvested land (2% nonfederal, 0.3% federal) $100 per acre harvested, plus interest on 25% of gross
Hab 6.0 Reduce forestry impacts to riparianaquatic ecosystem Formerly forested riparian areas Reforestation of riparian areas Reforestation of riparian areas, maximum 861,307 $300 to $500 per acre
1 Habitat 39.0 and 6.0 would apply to 100, 50 and 25 percent of maximum land use in intensities 3, 2 and 1, respectively. The other strategies would apply to 33, 10 and 5 percent, respectively.
FSC = Forestry Stewardship Council.

Sources: USDA, 1997; Public Forestry, 1999; Pacific Rivers Council, 1993; Warren, 1999.

Net costs on public lands are assumed to be paid by taxpayers and by timber interests whose use of the resources would be lost. Less than half of the costs of harvest methods would occur on public lands. Harvest on Forest Service lands in the four states (including areas of the states outside of the Columbia basin) is now only about 10 percent of total harvest (Warren, 1999). Private timber accounts for most harvest. For this analysis, it was estimated that 2.0 and 0.3 percent of private and federal forests are harvested annually.

Table B-6 in Appendix B shows two habitat programs on forest lands in the basin. Other projects on private lands that may include forest lands are dispersed throughout Tables B-7 to B-12. Costs on private lands are assumed to be compensated and passed on to ratepayers and taxpayers, reducing disposable income and economic activity in other sectors. Habitat/Water Use in Urban Areas

The strategies included in this block would improve municipal wastewater management and urban storm runoff control. Urban road management (other than culvert replacement) is included. Benefits primarily are related to water quality, although the type of treatment (for example, stormwater detention ponds or wetlands for wastewater treatment) can have incidental habitat benefits. For pertinent alternatives it is assumed that improved management would be practiced on a maximum of 50,000 acres of construction sites and other urban lands at an average cost of $50 per acre annually.

The other two strategies included in this block involve activities that municipalities and states are required to implement by existing CWA regulations or that they will be implementing in the future in response to proposed changes to CWA regulations. For example, as part of their compliance with the CWA, states are developing TMDLs for water-quality limited streams. The new TMDLs are likely to include more stringent limits on pollutants and temperature for many more streams that are currently regulated by CWA rules, and are likely to expand the regulation of nonpoint sources of pollution, in particular. Municipalities throughout the Northwest are participating in the regulatory process leading to the implementation of TMDLs and are planning and budgeting for increased levels of water quality regulation. Compliance by municipalities with new TMDLs will happen independent of the Framework alternatives, and thus the Framework strategies related to municipal water quality may not involve additional costs. Other Habitat Strategies

Some of the strategies in this group would improve riparian and aquatic conditions by reducing sediment, enhancing tributary gravel and wood supply, removing dikes, managing dredging, and conducting other measures to restore estuarine habitats. Some strategies would manage predator habitat, provide gravel and organic debris in unimpounded mainstem areas, manage bank armoring, connect backwaters and sloughs, and conduct other riparian and streambed restoration activities.

Primary plans for the approximately 64 million acres of Forest Service- and BLM-administered lands in the Columbia River basin covered by ICBEMP include protection and restoration of aquatic, riparian and key terrestrial habitats. In addition, the proposed direction calls for an overall reduction in road densities on agency lands throughout the basin to reduce adverse environmental effects such as sediment production and habitat fragmentation, while at the same time maintaining important public and administrative access.

The major types of adverse effects would be implementation costs. By assumption, most of these costs on private lands would be passed on to electricity ratepayers and taxpayers. Expenditures for construction would have localized economic benefits.

The most important sources of cost information are the proposals for programs funded by BPA and the states. Appendix B shows costs of some riparian/in-stream habitat restoration programs in the basin. Most of these programs include multiple activities that make unit costs difficult to determine.

The USDA (1996, see Appendix B Table B-4) provides average costs and flat rates for practices that might be used in this category. Some average annual costs recently paid were:

  • Stream protection: $27 per acre.
  • Developing shallow water areas for wildlife: $416 per acre.
  • Streambank stabilization: $224 per acre.

Doyle et al. (1998) reviewed several sources of data and recommended summary costs for cost analysis purposes. Costs have been annualized using the 4.75 percent discount rate and expressed on a per-mile basis below.

  • Streambank and shoreline protection: $3,800 per mile per year.
  • Fish stream improvements: with 0.5 to 10 structures per mile, costs would be $100 to $2,000 per mile per year.
  • Critical area planting: approximately $150 per mile per year.

Other strategies included in this block would improve passage by removing or improving flow conditions around obstructions. Most costs are implementation costs. The most important sources of information are the proposals for programs funded by BPA and the states. Tables B-10 and B-11 in Appendix B show some costs of passage programs in the Columbia Basin. The major types of passage improvements are culvert replacement, fishway improvements, and elimination of push-up dams.

Other strategies included in this block would develop, establish, link, or protect habitat. Most strategies would require that land be acquired and protected. The major types of adverse effects would involve implementation costs, primarily acquisition costs, and some economic value might be lost if agricultural or other production were reduced. The most important sources of information are the programs funded by BPA and the states. Table B-12 in Appendix B shows some project costs. These projects are primarily to purchase and manage upland wildlife habitat, and habitat acquisition and maintenance. Land acquisition costs typically range from $500 to $10,000 per acre.

Other sources of information include the California Resources Agency (1989), the USACE (1999g), and the Columbia Basin Bulletin (CBB) (1999b). The last source has followed a bill passed by the House of Representatives that would provide $25 million annually for screening of water diversions. States would provide matching funds, and water users would pay 35 percent for total annual funding of $77 million.

Most of the strategies in this group would require earth-moving, land shaping, and related activities. Some would require land acquisition from unspecified uses. Table 4-15 shows strategies, assumed practices and maximum implementation, and unit costs. Most unit costs are from data in Appendix B.

The costs of habitat strategies were estimated using the amounts of land in Tables 4-11 and 4-12, and the assumptions on share of land affected and unit costs provided in Tables 4-13 to 4-15. Information about the strategies used by each Framework alternative was applied to each strategy and costs were summed over each alternative. Results of the preliminary analysis are in Section 5.

Table 4-15
Assumptions for Extent of Practices for Strategies that Affect Construction or Land Acquisition
Stra-tegy Descriptor Industry Affected Practices and Assumption on Amount, UNITS Cost Range1
Hab 9.0 Irrigation withdrawals screening Surface water diversions Funding per year, DOLLARS $77,000,000
Hab 43.0 Reduce forest road density Road miles Maximum 10,000 miles of roads, MILES $1,000 to $1,500/mile/year
Hab 23.0 Tributary wood supply enhancement Construction "Knowles Creek strategy" (PRC, 1993), 3,500 MILES $1,500/mile/year
Hab 35.0 Remove dikes and manage dredging and other measures to restore estuarine habitats Construction Lower Columbia River Estuary Program, PROGRAM Assume current program is doubled to $2,200,000 total
Hyd 11.0 Provide gravel and organic debris in unimpounded mainstem areas Construction Trucking and placing gravel, CU YDS 1 million cubic yards annually, $12/yard
Hyd 28.0 Remove bank armoring  Construction Rip-rap mitigation measures include gravel-covered rip-rap, placement of woody debris, artificial structures, MILES 50 miles annually, $30/foot
Hab 12.0 Obstruction passage improvement Construction Remove small dams, weirs, replace culverts, provide fish ladders at economically marginal facilities PROJECTS 3 = 200 more projects, 2 = 100 more projects, 1 = 50 more projects, $5,000 to $50,000 per projectyear
Hab 18.0 Establish aquatic reserves, preserves, refugia Acquire land Land acquisition or lease, riparian and near water ACRES 100,000 acres, $50 to $250/acre/year
Hab 18.1 Establish terrestrial reserves, preserves, refugia Acquire land Land acquisition or lease, riparian and upland ACRES 100,000 acres, $25 to $143/acre/year
Hab 27.0 Link terrestrial and aquatic preserves and refugia Acquire land Land acquisition or lease, upland ACRES 100,000 acres, $25 to $143/acre/year
Hab 31.0 Active habitat restoration Construction Wetland construction, ACRES 200 projects, typical projects are $2,500 to $9,500/year
Hab 4.0 Floodplain corridor reconnection Construction Remove levees, restore channels, meanders, ACRES 50,000 acres, $220/acre/year
1 Intensity levels of 3, 2, and 1 are associated with 100, 50 and 25 percent implementation of maximum levels.

Source: Appendix B, CRA (1989), CBB (1999); see text.

4.3.3 Harvest Levels and Strategies

Harvest strategies focus on reducing the take of at-risk stocks. Specific strategies would require selective fisheries, a focus on sport or commercial and sport fisheries, harvest based on escapement needs for the smallest population unit or population aggregates, management of overall harvest to meet escapement needs, or the use of various new harvest techniques, such as fish wheels or use of fish ladders to select individual fish for harvest or release.

Costs include implementation costs, enforcement costs, and lost profits from fishing. In theory, economic profits from fishing will be capitalized into permits that enable that fishing. Therefore, prices of exchangeable but limited permits might be used to estimate economic benefits of expanded fishing or costs from eliminating fishing. Another approach, the method of residual returns, uses budget information to estimate net returns to fishing. This method is more common but has disadvantages in that data must be developed and the residual returns may include costs paid to uncounted factors of production. Commercial Fisheries

Table 4-16 shows estimates of the economic benefits generated by Columbia River salmon and steelhead stocks taken in numerous fisheries under early 1990s conditions. These are the baseline harvest value estimates which, by assumption, would continue indefinitely with the other common assumptions explained in Section 3.4.

The EDT estimates that the Framework Alternatives would all increase harvestable chinook salmon populations and value in the long run (Section 4.2.2). In the short run, some harvest strategies would have economic costs associated with lost salmon catch.

Some alternatives would eliminate ocean salmon fishing. Salmon range up and down the coast in mixed stock fisheries. Therefore, the entire west coast salmon fishery, and even some non-salmon fisheries, from California to Southeast Alaska would need to be eliminated to ensure that no Columbia River fish were caught. As a practical matter, the human effects analysis assumes that ocean catch of Columbia River fish would not be entirely eliminated in any alternative. Rather, those fisheries that catch the largest shares of Columbia River fish would be eliminated or modified, and some Columbia River catch would continue as long as total harvest stays within harvest goals.

In Alaska, for example, Table 4-16 suggests that the net economic value of Columbia River chinook salmon in the southeast Alaska fishery is just $12,720 annually. In practice, it would be very difficult to eliminate catch of these Columbia River fish in Alaska without reducing catch of other stocks. Any measures required to eliminate Columbia River fish catch would affect costs and revenues from all other catch.

Table 4-16
Ranges of Annualized Economic Value (NED Benefits) from Columbia River Anadromous Fish by Fishery For Feasibility Study Baseline Alternative Using "Low," "Likely," and "High" Modeling Results, $1000
  Alternative A1
Anadromous Fish Low Likely High
Alaska 6.15 12.72 26.35
British Columbia 25.93 53.66 111.09
WA Ocean 7.02 14.53 30.08
WA Puget Sound 0.00 0.00 0.00
Oregon 2.14 4.43 9.17
California 0.00 0.00 0.00
Subtotal Ocean 41.24 85.34 176.70
Non-treaty 21.50 45.76 96.49
Treaty Indian 293.52 702.77 2003.61
Hatchery Returns 8.77 137.06 522.24
Subtotal In-river 323.79 885.59 2622.34
Subtotal Commercial 365.02 970.93 2799.04
Alaska 0.00 0.00 0.01
British Columbia 3.11 6.44 13.32
WA Ocean 6.78 14.03 29.04
WA Puget Sound 0.00 0.00 0.01
Oregon 1.70 3.51 7.26
California 0.00 0.00 0.01
Subtotal Ocean 11.59 23.98 49.65
Total Commercial and Recreational 376.61 994.91 2848.68
1. NED benefits measured by annual average equivalent values over a 100 year project life using 4 6/8% discount rate in thousands of 1998 dollars.
2. Evaluation is for all modeled anadromous fish species and includes harvests and hatchery surplus utilization. The evaluation excludes the economic values for in-river recreational fishing.
3. PATH results fall chinook Action A1 is the same as Action A2. Fall chinook is the only significantly harvested species in ocean fisheries.
4. "Low," "likely," and "high" modeling results correspond to PATH results for 25th, 50th, 75th percentile modeling outputs, respectively.
5. The analysis is based on PATH results? "base case" scenario for fall chinook and "equal weights" scenario for spring/summer chinook.
6. Total and subtotals may not equal sum of values due to rounding.

Source: Copied from Radke et al., 1998.

Total catch of chinook salmon in the southeast Alaska commercial fishery is a small fraction of the total, and most chinook are caught in the commercial troll fishery. Roughly a quarter are caught by the recreational fishery. The commercial troll fishery accounts for only 3 percent of the number of salmon caught in the region (ADFG, 1999). Therefore, a substantial reduction in catch of Columbia River stocks in Alaska probably could be accomplished by modifying or eliminating the troll and recreational fisheries. Complete elimination of Columbia River catch in Alaska would entail a much larger cost. Total economic contribution of salmon to personal income in the Alaska economy recently was estimated to be about $1.2 billion.

In the Columbia River, depressed stocks could be protected by targeted in-river fisheries. In comparison to ocean fisheries, revenues would be reduced by reduced fish quality, but costs might also be reduced. One method would modify fish ladders to allow take of robust stocks and hatchery fish while allowing safe passage for the depressed and natural stocks.

Fishwheels could be used in the same way. Fishwheels are semi-submerged waterwheels turned by the river?s current. Baskets scoop the fish from underneath the wheel and dump them into a holding tank where they can be sorted and released if desired. Jaeger (1997) provides an economic analysis. Annual costs to install and operate the fishwheel using the 4.75 percent discount rate and operating for 20 days would be about $5,300. Annual revenues are estimated at a slightly lower price per fish, but revenues are estimated to be $18,000 to $47,000 annually.

Jaeger (1997) finds that fishwheels are substantially more economical than purse seines or gill nets. This finding, and the observation that fish in ladders could be harvested at a small cost, suggest that targeted fisheries could be implemented in the Columbia River at a small net cost in comparison to costs of dam removal or habitat improvements. Compensation or mitigation might be desirable for the ocean fishery, but new opportunities would be created in the terminal fishery. Total personal income earned from the Washington and Oregon commercial salmon fishery recently was estimated to be less than $90 million (Radtke, 1999). Net income from commercial salmon fishing in the two states is probably less than $10 million. Therefore, a complete buy-out of non-Indian commercial salmon fishing in Washington and Oregon would probably cost around $10 million annually.

Additional strategies would involve better enforcement of fishing laws, or new laws to reduce catch or unwanted mortality. BPA programs (Table B-13 in Appendix B) have funded two projects for the year 2000; one aimed at better enforcement, and one aimed at reduced hooking mortality in recreational fishing. No other costs have been estimated. Predator Control

The strategies included in this block would control predatory fish, birds, or mammals. Strategies to control species that compete with desirable species are included. Costs would be primarily implementation costs. Economic costs might include the value of the "undesirable" species for some persons.

Target predator species include the northern squawfish, sea lions, seals, and Caspian terns. BPA projects (Table B-14 in Appendix B) have been funded to study and control some of these predator species. Predator control programs usually seek to reduce predator habitat or predation at locations where anadromous fish may become unnaturally concentrated, disoriented, or otherwise become easy prey.

One program funds a bounty for sport take of northern pikeminnow (squawfish). Total program costs were about $3.3 million annually. The CBB (4/30/99) reports that bounties in 1998 were paid for 108,000 fish caught, at a cost of $4 to $6 per fish. If this program were expanded by increasing the bounty to $8 per fish, and twice as many squawfish were caught, program costs would increase by about $500,000 annually.

Other predator control strategies would not be expensive to implement. Total costs of $5 million to $10 million annually probably would cover all practical practices.

4.3.4 Hatchery Production Levels and Operations Hatchery Production Levels

The strategies included in this block would change hatchery production levels; or augmentation, supplementation, or aquaculture facilities would be constructed. Benefits of hatcheries are controversial. Therefore, some strategies would expand current hatchery production programs while others would eliminate them or use them only in specific situations or as a last resort.

The most important sources of information about hatcheries are from current programs funded by BPA, the states, and other sources. Data from BPA programs are shown in Table B-15 in Appendix B. Data about hatchery plans have been obtained from the proposed federal production plan for the Columbia Basin. The "Fed1" hatchery list provides information about the types of hatchery production likely to be implemented in the near future, but little cost information is included.

Data about hatchery operations from hatchery audit reports were compiled to see if scalable values could be derived. Annual operations costs and production for 1995-1997 were used to estimate costs per pound. Data are provided in Table 4-17. Operations costs range from $0.61 to $20 per pound, but most hatcheries with data have unit costs ranging from $1.50 to $6 per pound. Additional work might yield information about costs by species or other factors. Regression analysis, for example, suggests that unit costs in Table 4-17 are negatively related to size of the operation; that is,, hatcheries exhibit economies of scale.

tABLE 4-17
Summary Data from Hatchery Audit Reports1
Hatchery Name Goal Annual Average Product, Pounds Operation Cost, $ per Pound
Big Creek Adult salmon and cutthroat trout that will contribute to NE Pacific and Columbia River Basin commercial and sports fisheries.  236,658 $2.95
Bonneville* Ocean and river fisheries and eggs to other programs 481,769 $3.17
Cascade* Coho to help meet the goals the Columbia River Fisheries Development Program (U.S. v. Oregon Agreement) 147,335 $2.65
Clackamas The NMFS funding is Mitchell Act. PGE and City of Portland also provide funding. 171,336 $2.93
Gnat Creek Consumptive steelhead trout fisheries for the North Coast, lower Columbia River and Willamette River tributaries. Due to reduction in funding, this hatchery is currently not being used for the rearing of anadromous fish. 632,667 $0.50
Irrigon* Egg incubation and rearing facility for summer steelhead destined for the Grande Ronde and Imnaha River systems and as final rearing site for rainbow trout for NE Oregon waters.  326,490 $2.42
Klaskanine* Lower river coho that will contribute to NE Pacific and Columbia basin commercial and sport fisheries and create a consumptive winter steelhead fishery in the Klaskanine River 12,000 $26.75
Leaburg Help achieve an average sport catch of 1,200 adult summer steelhead in the McKenzie River 276,136 $0.36
Lookingglass Spring chinook for ocean and river fisheries 33,829 $19.22
McKenzie River Spring chinook for sport fishing in the McKenzie and Molalla rivers. 125,325 $4.04
Oak Springs Steelhead and resident trout. 170,000 $0.94
Oxbow Coho and spring chinook for Northeast Pacific and Columbia River commercial, Tribal, and sports fisheries 119,729 $3.03
Roaring River* Sport catch of summer steelhead in the Molalla River, Santiam River mainstem, and North Santiam River 41,289 $2.06
Round Butte Mitigation for the fisheries losses caused by Pelton/Round Butte Hydroelectric Complex 87,667 $3.41
Sandy* Produce coho smolts for on-station release, eggs to the Eagle Creek National Fish Hatchery as a backup to its program., coho eggs to McKenzie, Oxbow and Klamath hatcheries, Oregon?s Salmon and Trout Enhancement Program, and OSU 66,670 $4.77
S. Santiam  Mitigation for Foster and Green Peter--juvenile spring chinook and steelhead. Fall chinook production for NE Pacific and Columbia River Basin commercial and sport fisheries. 102,173 $6.52
Umatilla Egg incubation and rearing of spring chinook, fall chinook, and summer steelhead for release into the Umatilla River. 138,292 $6.31
Willamette The COE mitigation agreement requires an annual production of no more than 235,000 lb of juvenile chinook salmon and steelhead. 293,134 $3.17
Clearwater The LSRCP mitigation goals are to return 11,915 adult spring chinook and 14,000 adult steelhead above Lower Granite, for the Clearwater River. 1,303,745 $0.74
Magic Valley* The LSRCP mitigation goal is to return 11,600 adult steelhead above Lower Granite Dam 400,000 $1.46
McCall* The LSRCP mitigation goal is to return 8,000 summer chinook above Lower Granite Dam. 50,000 $8.12
Niagra Springs* Enhance steelhead run in the Snake River below Hells Canyon Dam, and relocate part of run to the Salmon River and its tributaries 400,000 $1.66
Pahsimeroi* Relocate steelhead and chinook salmon runs from the Snake river to the Salmon River drainage 14,485 $19.84
Sawtooth* The LSRCP mitigation goal is to return 19,445 spring chinook adults above Lower Granite Dam. 115,000 $4.36
Dworshak* Mitigate for loss of summer steelhead and resident trout habitat from Dworshak Dam; Spring chinook production is to mitigate for dams constructed on the Lower Snake River. 459,000 $3.89
Eagle Creek Compensate for fish losses in the Columbia River Basin caused by mainstem dams. 190,679 $2.56
Kooskia* Enhance the stocks of chinook salmon in Middle Fork Snake River Basin. 40,000 $5.64
Leavenworth  Spring chinook and summer steelhead to compensate for losses in the Columbia from Grand Coulee 108,887 $10.70
L White Salmon Operates as part of the Mitchell Act - to mitigate mainstem losses 208,025 $4.04
Winthrop Spring chinook to compensate for the upper Columbia River impacts of Grand Coulee Dam 35,537 $10.37
Beaver Creek Mitchell Act mitigation for mainstem losses. 605,747 $0.61
Cowlitz Salmon Spring chinook adults, fall chinook adults, and coho adults return to Cowlitz River barrier dam 685,709 $2.54
Cowlitz Trout Adult winter steelhead, summer steelhead, and sea-run cutthroat for sport fisheries.  280,447 $3.12
Eastbank Mitigate for smolt losses at Rock Island Dam 2,114,120 $0.66
Elokomin Mitchell Act hatchery for mainstem losses 171,652 $1.62
Fallert Lower river fall chinook, spring chinook, and coho for NE Pacific and Columbia River Basin commercial and sport fisheries.  125,142 $1.81
Grays River Mitchell Act hatchery for mainstem losses 34,280 $6.09
Kalama Lower river fall chinook, spring chinook, and coho for NE Pacific and Columbia River Basin commercial and sport fisheries. 98,148 $5.26
Klickitat  Adult fall chinook, Type-N coho, and spring chinook for NE Pacific and Columbia River Basin commercial and sport fisheries. 210,323 $2.41
Lewis River Adult coho and spring chinook for NE Pacific and Columbia River Basin sport and commercial fisheries. 456,362 $2.73
Merwin Winter and summer steelhead, sea-run cutthroat trout, and rainbow trout for harvest by sport anglers 78,247 $3.78
Methow Increase naturally spawning spring chinook salmon adults in the Methow, Twisp and Chewuch Rivers 173,333 $2.19
North Toutle  Adult fall chinook and coho for NE Pacific and Columbia River Basin commercial and sport fisheries 100,942 $3.12
Skamania Winter steelhead, summer steelhead, and sea-run cutthroat for harvest by sport anglers. 106,538 $3.58
Turtle Rock Adult steelhead and resident trout for harvest by sport and Tribal anglers. 57,132 $3.30
Washougal Lower river fall chinook and coho for NE Pacific and Columbia River Basin commercial and sports fisheries  240,652 $2.59
Wells Mitigation for Wells Dam--summer steelhead 136,200 $4.72
1 Data from hatcheries with missing data or numbers of fish (not pounds) have been excluded.
* Total Annual Production numbers were derived from the individual hatcheries production goals and are not actual production numbers.

Source: IHOT

Costs to construct new hatcheries vary by size, purpose, and other factors. Typical capital costs for modern facilities are $20 million to $40 million, or $1 million to $2 million in annualized terms.

The EDT provides data about numbers of yearling and subyearling smolts to be produced by facility for each alternative (EDT, 2000). New facilities in some alternatives include the Yakima hatchery, the East Bank hatchery located at Rocky Reach Dam, and other facilities located throughout the Columbia Basin. Table 4-18 shows changes in hatchery production by alternative.

TABLE 4-18

Changes in Chinook Salmon Hatchery Production by Framework Alternative in Numbers of Fish1

Framework Alternative Change in Hatchery Production
1 Eliminate hatchery production
2 Add 810,000 yearlings in Yakima R., 10 million at Rocky Reach pool,
3 Add 810,000 yearlings in Yakima R., 10 million at Rocky Reach pool, 10 million at John Day Pool
4 Add 810,000 yearlings in Yakima R.
5 Add 810,000 yearlings in Yakima R.,10 million at Rocky Reach pool, 10 million at Hells Canyon, 2 million in Lower Clearwater R., 2 million in Lower Salmon R., 10 million at John Day Pool
6 Add 810,000 yearlings in Yakima R., 10 million at Rocky Reach pool, 10 million at Hells Canyon, 2 million in Lower Clearwater R., 2 million in Lower Salmon R., 10 million at John Day Pool, 10 million Lower Columbia aquaculture. 2
7 Add 810,000 yearlings in Yakima R. and 10 million Lower Columbia aquaculture. Eliminate selected hatcheries, including Lookingglass, Imnaha Pond, Dworshak, Rapid River, Well Hatchery subyearling releases, Simikameen, and Lyon?s Ferry.
1 All fish are subyearlings unless noted. 2 Lower Columbia aquaculture salmon are not included in the EDT chinook salmon population analysis 
Source: EDT (2000).

Radtke and Davis (1997) estimate that variable and fixed costs per pound of smolts are about $3.33 and $4.00, respectively. Total costs per smolt are about $0.10 per fish for small smolts and $0.50 per fish for large smolts. Increased costs in each alternative are estimated assuming that subyearlings are "small" smolts and yearlings are "large" smolts.

Increased costs of hatchery production by alternative are:

  • Alternative 1: $35 million to $50 million of cost savings
  • Alternative 2: $1.4 million
  • Alternative 3: $2.4 million
  • Alternative 4: $0.4 million
  • Alternative 5: $4.0 million
  • Alternative 6: $5.0 million
  • Alternative 7: $0.8 million of net cost savings

The same extrapolation from the Radtke and Davis (1997) data puts the cost savings from eliminating hatcheries in Alternative 7 at $1.8 million annually, but $1 million are required for additional aquaculture production (data for large smolts are used for aquaculture costs). Alternative 1 would eliminate hatchery production entirely. Data from the IHOT data set suggests that total variable cost savings would be $35 million to $50 million annually. Hatchery Operations

The strategies included in this block would operate hatcheries differently. In one strategy, dead salmon from hatcheries could be used to fertilize rearing areas. Species might be reintroduced, natural fish incorporated into hatchery broodstocks, progeny of captive brood fish reintroduced into habitat, or natural populations used as a template for hatchery production. New supplementation techniques, emergency preservation of genetic resources, use of natural fish emulation techniques in hatchery, and reduced spread of hatchery pathogens to natural stocks are also strategies.

Table B-16 in Appendix B shows some costs of proposed hatchery operations programs in the basin. Recent programs cover captive broodstock and supplementation programs, tagging, and programs for endangered species. The costs of these programs are not believed to be substantial relative to costs of facility modifications, habitat or hydrosystem strategies.