New Number


Strategy Block/Strategy




Disposition (How effects have been considered, or resources directly affected)


Representative Practices or Actions



Dam Breaching or Construction



Hab 44.0

Build storage reservoir to provide downstream flow

Build a storage reservoir with outflows dedicated to maintenance of downstream flows for biological purposes.

This strategy is not currently included in any alternatives.


Hyd 15.0

Remove economically marginal dams on tributaries that block anadromous passage

Remove economically marginal dams on tributaries that presently block or inhibit passage of anadromous fish, especially in regard to sockeye salmon.

Construction, power.

Removal of Condit, Marmot, Little Sandy Dams.

Hyd 2.0

Convert storage reservoir to run-of-river reservoir

Convert large water storage reservoir to run-of-river reservoir.

This strategy is not currently included in any alternatives.


Hyd 3.0

Breach a dam

Breach (eliminate) a dam to provide more normative conditions, restore riverine habitats and increase migrant fish survival.

Direct hydrologic and power effects of this strategy are estimated by system models.


Hyd 7.0

Dam drawdown

Drawdown a reservoir to a specified level to restore riverine conditions and habitats.

Direct hydrologic and power effects of this strategy are estimated by system models.



Dam Modifications



Hyd 12.0

Design and implement bypass structures to reflect biological characteristics

Design and operate juvenile fish passage facilities to reflect migrant fish behavior and minimize artificial selection of life history types and biological characteristics.

Direct costs of this strategy are estimated as facility modification costs.


Hyd 16.0

Restore passage for anadromous fish above blockages

Where biologically feasible, restore anadromous fish passage at existing human-caused blockages.

Construction, power.

See Hab 13, no additional needed.

Hyd 24.0

Install extended length screens at collector projects

Install extended length submerged traveling screens into bypass systems.

Direct costs of this strategy are estimated as facility modification costs.


Hyd 25.0

Eliminate use of extended length screens at all projects

Discontinue use of extended length screens in bypass facilities because of impacts on juvenile lamprey.


Remove extended length screens.

Hyd 27.0

Locate bypass outfalls to reduce predation

Locate bypass outfalls and provide project operations to minimize predation of juvenile fish existing dam bypass systems.

Direct costs of this strategy are estimated as facility modification costs.


Hyd 4.0

Provide alternative fish passage structures and operations to minimize life history selection

Provide a variety of passage routes (STS, surface bypass and spill) for juvenile salmonids, sturgeon and lamprey to increase survival and avoid selection across species and life histories.

Direct costs of this strategy are estimated as facility modification costs.


Hyd 5.0

Discourage proliferation of shad via adult passage facilities

Design and operate fish ladders to promote passage by indigenous species while inhibiting passage of shad or other non-native species.





Install surface bypass system.

Direct costs of this strategy are estimated as facility modification costs




Install "fish friendly" turbines.

Direct costs of this strategy are estimated as facility modification costs



Dam Operations



Hyd 13.0

Operate adult passage facilities year-round

Manage adult passage facilities and adult enumeration at mainstem dams year-round to avoid artificial selection.


Extend adult passage operations

Hyd 17.0

Operate adult passage facilities on an extended schedule

Provide maximum adult passage period while allowing a winter maintenance period.


Extend adult passage operations

Hyd 18.0

Operate juvenile passage facilities on an extended schedule

Provide maximum juvenile passage period while allowing a winter maintenance period.


Extend juvenile passage operations

Hyd 6.0

Operate juvenile fish passage facilities year round

Provide year-round juvenile fish passage capabilities to avoid artificial selection.


Extend juvenile passage operations


Flow Management



Hab 5.0

Regulate tributary storage releases to provide normative flows

Regulate releases from tributary storage projects to provide normative seasonal flow volumes and patterns.

Operations, power

Unknown, need data on facilities and types of uses affected.

Hyd 1.0

Channel maintenance flows below dam

Provide for pulses of flushing flows released from reservoir to promote flushing of sediments from stream bed and/or creation of a disturbance type event.

Operations, power

Use occasional high flows in winter, cost effects are expected to be not significant as long as duration is limited.

Hyd 10.0

Normative seasonal flow and flooding

Manage flow to provide seasonal flooding of unimpounded mainstem areas on approximately historical frequency to establish floodplain conditions and vegetation.

Operations, power

Use occasional high flows in winter, cost effects are expected to be not significant as long as duration is limited.

Hyd 14.0

Provide flow to re-establish normative estuarine and plume and salinity conditions

Provide flow from upriver storage (including Canada) to strengthen and maintain the plume and to provide estuarine habitats.

Operations, power

Storage releases

Hyd 26.0

Provide flow to provide normative downstream temperatures

Provide flow from appropriate upriver sources to provide a normative pattern of downstream water temperatures.

Operations, power

Storage releases

Hyd 30.0

Manage flow to promote mainstem spawning below dams

Manage flow from dams to encourage and protect spawning in mainstem river below hydroelectric dams.

Operations, power

Some information available.

Hyd 8.0

Manage spill to minimize dissolved gas

Manage spill at dams to maintain dissolved gas levels at dams below levels set by state and federal water quality standards.

Direct costs of this strategy are estimated as facility modification costs.


Hyd 9.0

Minimize daily flow fluctuations

Minimize daily fluctuations to prevent stranding of juvenile fish and promote development of shallow water habitats and communities.

Operations, power

Some information available.


Mainstem Habitat

Biological Opinion flows.

Direct hydrologic and power effects of this strategy are estimated by system models.



Reservoir Habitat

Integrated Rule Curves.

Direct hydrologic and power effects of this strategy are estimated by system models.



Mainstem Habitat

Shift spring flow to summer.

Direct hydrologic and power effects of this strategy are estimated by system models.



Mainstem Habitat

Pre-water budget flow.

Direct hydrologic and power effects of this strategy are estimated by system models.



Reservoir Habitat

Biological Rule Curve.

Effects of this strategy on operations are unknown



Juvenile Transport



Hyd 19.0

Maximize transport downstream juvenile salmonid migrants

Transport all juvenile salmonids in collection systems in all years.

Direct costs of this strategy are estimated as facility modification costs.


Hyd 20.0

Use "Share the risk" transportation policy for juvenile salmonids.

Employ sliding scale proportion transported to maximize in low flow and decreasing as conditions improve.

Direct costs of this strategy are estimated as facility modification costs


Hyd 21.0

Use transportation as an emergency measure

Transport juvenile salmonids only under very low or very high (high spill) conditions.


Reduce juvenile transport.

Hyd 22.0

Eliminate transportation

Do not transport any juvenile anadromous migrants.

Direct costs of this strategy are estimated as facility modification costs.


Hyd 23.0

Use barges only for transportation.

Discontinue use of trucks for transportation and use flow-through barges for all transport regardless of fish abundance.


Increase use of barges and expenditure.


Habitat/Water Use on Agricultural Lands and Screening Diversions



Hab 11.0

Nutrient and pathogen load reduction from grazing/agriculture

Manage grazing and livestock to reduce organic nutrients and pathogen input to water sources and meet state and federal water quality standards.

Pasture and rangelands

Deferred grazing, planned grazing, proper grazing, grazing land protection, Tables 4-12, 4-13.

Hab 14.0

Pesticide reduction

Reduce or manage use of agricultural pesticides to lower input to terrestrial and aquatic area and meet state and federal water quality standards.

Irrigated and dryland crops

Pest management, pest scounting.

Hab 17.0

Reduce grazing impacts to riparian/ aquatic ecosystem

Use taxes, public lands policies and leasing conditions and other voluntary incentives (e.g., BMPs) to reduce grazing impacts to aquatic and riparian areas in public and private lands.

Livestock on riparian lands

Fencing, livestock wells.

Hab 25.0

Groundwater management to maintain flow

Manage agricultural and urban actions to allow groundwater recharge into streams to meet state and federal water quality standards for water flow and temperatures.

Groundwater irrigated crops

Acquire lease options to eliminate groundwater withdrawals for irrigation in dry years, fallow land.

Hab 32.0

Halt new water withdrawal permits

Maintain flows by halting the issuance of permits for water withdrawals.

New irrigated crop acreage. (We have proposed that this should be a common assumption.)


Hab 33.0

Reduce existing permits for water withdrawal

Increase flows by reducing the number of water withdrawal permits through purchase or other voluntary means.

Surface water irrigated crops

Acquire lease options to eliminate surface water withdrawals for irrigation in dry years, fallow land.

Hab 34.0

Encourage cultivation of less water-intensive crops

Reduce water withdrawals by encouraging the use of less water-intensive crops.

Irrigated crops

Pay farmers to switch from higher-using crops (alfalfa, corn) to small grains.

Hab 7.0

Agricultural water conservation

Decrease water withdrawals by upgrading irrigation facilities, minimizing water losses in irrigation delivery systems and other water conservation actions.

Surface water-irrigated crops.

Irrigation water conservation, irrigation water management.

Hab 8.0

Irrigation waste water treatment

Treat irrigation waste water to meet state and federal water quality guidelines.

Surface irrigation crops (not sprinkler)

Tailwater recovery

Hab 19.0

Manage land use and riparian conditions to maintain water quality

Protect riparian corridors to provide wildlife habitat, nearshore aquatic habitat and to help meet state and federal water quality standards.

Livestock and irrigated crops on riparian lands.

Acquire riparian land


Reduce agricultural impacts to riparian/ aquatic ecosystem

Use taxes, public lands policies and leasing conditions and other voluntary incentives (e.g., BMPs) to reduce agricultural impacts to aquatic and riparian areas in public and private lands.

Irrigated crops on riparian lands.

Conservation tillage, filter strips, stream protection.

Hab 9.0

Irrigation withdrawals screening

Install or improve fish screens at withdrawal sites.

Surface-water irrigated crops.

Screening bill passed by House of Representatives.


Habitat on Forest Lands



Hab 39.0

Limit size and frequency of clearcuts

Limit size and frequency of clearcuts across the landscape to retain native species, ecological function and ensure connectivity between habitats.


Limit to 60 acres (FSC recommendation).

Hab 40.0

Normative fire frequency

Allow controlled fire frequency that avoids catastrophic fires and promotes development of normative forest communities within prudent safety bounds.


More controlled burn.

Hab 41.0

Develop normative forest age structure and species composition

Use silvacultural techniques that promote development of a mixed age structure and native forest species composition.


Shelterwood harvest method.

Hab 42.0

Provide gradual forest ecotones

Use silvacultural techniques that avoid abrupt edges across the landscape and develop normative transitional areas (ecotones).


Group Selection harvest method.

Hab 43.0

Reduce forest road density

Reduce density of existing roads in forested areas and minimize new road development.

Forestry, Recreation

Obliterate roads, stop new road development on public lands.

Hab 6.0

Reduce forestry impacts to riparian/ aquatic ecosystem

Use taxes, public lands policies and leasing conditions and other voluntary incentives (e.g., BMPs) to reduce forestry impacts to aquatic and riparian areas in public and private lands.


Reforestation of riparian areas.


Habitat/Water Use in Urban Areas



Hab 10.0

Municipal waste management

Treat municipal waste water to meet state and federal water quality guidelines.

Most cost of compliance is expected to occur independent of framework alternatives. Incremental cost is expected to be not significant.


Hab 24.0

Urban storm runoff control

Reduce or control rates and patterns of storm runoff and pollutants from urban areas.

Most cost of compliance is expected to occur independent of framework alternatives. Incremental cost is expected to be not significant.


Hab 20.0

Road management

Implement measures to reduce erosion from road surfaces and embankments, reduce mass wastage events triggered from road system, and modifications to watershed hydrology caused by roads (passage problems created by road crossings is a separate strategy).

Construction, recreation

Establish permanent vegetative cover, Table 4-12.


Riparian Instream Habitat Restoration



Hab 22.0

Tributary gravel supply enhancement

Enhance recruitment of gravel or other needed sediment in tributaries.

This strategy is not currently included in any alternatives.


Hab 23.0

Tributary wood supply enhancement

Enhance recruitment and distribution of large woody debris in tributaries.


"Knowles Creek strategy" (PRC, 1993)

Hab 35.0

Remove dikes and manage dredging and other measures to restore estuarine habitats

Remove dikes and manage dredging and other navigational measures consistent with prudent safety considerations to restore estuarine swamps, sloughs, and other habitats


Lower Columbia River Estuary Program

Hab 36.0

Manage dredging to avoid increasing predation

Manage dredging in the estuary to minimize creation of habitats that artificially increase predation or have other adverse ecological effects.


Do not pile spoils on island, barge spoils out-of estuary.


Sediment reduction

Reduce sediment recruitment or remove sediment through dredging.

This strategy is not currently included in any alternatives.


Hyd 11.0

Provide gravel and organic debris in unimpounded mainstem areas

Increase gravel and organic debris recruitment into unimpounded areas to replenish and maintain habitats.


Trucking and placing gravel.

Hyd 28.0

Remove bank armoring

Remove rip-rap and armoring to allow development of shallow water habitats and communities.


Rip-rap mitigation measures include gravel-covered rip-rap, placement of woody debris, artificial structures

Hyd 29.0

Connect backwaters and sloughs

Provide flow and structures to connect reservoir backwaters and sloughs to mainstem and allow development of shallow water habitats and communities.


See Hab 4.0—No additional practices are needed.


Remove Other Blockages



Hab 12.0

Obstruction passage improvement

Improve or install devices to improve movement of fish past roads, railroads, and other structures impeding fish migration.


Remove small dams, weirs, replace culverts, provide fish ladders at economically marginal facilities.

Hab 13.0

Obstruction removal

Remove human-caused obstruction (other than dam) to fish or wildlife migration.

Combined with Hab 12.0.



Habitat Other



Hab 18.0

Establish aquatic reserves, preserves, refugia

Establish areas where aquatic habitats and biota are given full protection from land or water use activities that have the potential for degrading habitat characteristics.

Limit use

Land acquisition or lease, riparian and near water.

Hab 18.1

Establish terrestrial reserves, preserves, refugia

Establish areas where terrestrial and riparian habitats and biota are given full protection from land or water use activities that have the potential for degrading habitat characteristics.

Limit use

Land acquisition or lease, riparian and upland.

Hab 26.0

Connect lower tributaries and mainstem habitat

Provide temperatures, flow and habitats in lower tributary areas to connect mainstem and tributary riverine habitats.

See Hab 25.0, 33.0, 12.0, 7.0. No additional practices needed.


Hab 27.0

Link terrestrial and aquatic preserves and refugia

Develop habitat protections to link aquatic and terrestrial habitats protected as preserves or refugia to provide a continuum of aquatic and terrestrial/riparian habitats.

Limit use

Land acquisition or lease, upland.

Hab 28.0

Protect high quality aquatic habitat on tribal and public lands while allowing restricted use

Use jurisdictional action or other measures to protect high quality aquatic and riparian habitats on tribal and public lands while allowing restricted human use (i.e., not preserves or refugia).

Construction, recreation

See Hab 17.0, some additional recreation and development restrictions.

Hab 29.0

Protect high quality aquatic habitat on private lands while allowing restricted use

Use tax incentives, easements or other voluntary measures to protect high quality aquatic and riparian habitats on private lands while allowing restricted human use (i.e., not preserves or refugia).

Construction, recreation

See Hab 17.0, some additional recreation and development restrictions.

Hab 30.0

Passive habitat restoration.

Relax human-caused constraints and allow natural processes to restore degraded habitats. Minimize use of artificial structures to restore habitats.


Block access to degraded habitats.

Hab 31.0

Active habitat restoration

Use artificial structures and actions to create or restore normative habitat conditions.


Wetland construction

Hab 37.0

Develop habitats to link terrestrial preserves and refugia

Protect and manage habitats to link protected terrestrial habitats to provide a continuum of terrestrial habitats.


Manage terrestrial lands, convert some ag land to conserving use.

Hab 38.0

Protect high quality terrestrial habitats while allowing restricted use

Use tax incentives, easements or other voluntary measures to protect high quality terrestrial habitats while allowing restricted human use (i.e., not preserves or refugia).


Lease land, defer grazing.

Hab 4.0

Floodplain corridor reconnection

Re-establish normative floodplain corridor characteristics by partially or wholly restoring ecological function of floodplain by reestablishing wetlands or reconnecting off-channel areas.


50,000 acres


Harvest Level



Har 1.0

Harvest elimination

Eliminate commercial harvest in one or more areas.


Eliminate SE Alaska Fishery.

Har 2.0

Harvest reduction

Reduce commercial harvest in one or more areas.

This strategy is not currently included in any alternatives



Harvest Strategy



Har 3.0

Maximum sustainable yield (MSY) harvest management

Harvest management consistent with maximum sustainable yield at the population or sub-population scale.

This strategy is not currently included in any alternatives


Har 4.0

Selective fisheries

Develop fisheries that focus on specific stocks and reduce incidental impacts on other stocks.


Develop and phase in terminal stock fisheries from Oregon to Alaska.

Har 5.0

Focus sport or customary and subsistence (C&S) fisheries

Concentrate sport or tribal C&S fisheries on specific races or populations.


Change sport fishing regulations, work with tribes to modify practices.

Har 6.0

Determine escapement needs for smallest population unit

Determine escapement needs for individual populations (e.g., smaller than evolutionary significant units [ESUs]) of anadromous fish that meet spawning needs and provide additional spawners to meet ecological needs such as fertilization through carcasses.


Survey, combination of more selective and terminal fisheries, change sportfishing regulations, monitoring, carcass management.

Har 7.0

Determine escapement needs for population aggregates

Determine escapement needs for population aggregates (e.g., ESUs) for anadromous fish that meet spawning needs and provide additional spawners to meet ecological needs such as fertilization through carcasses.


Similar to above, but less intensive.

Har 8.0

Manage overall harvest rate to meet escapement needs

Control life-cycle harvest rates to ensure meeting escapement needs.



Har 9.0

Use "new" harvest techniques

Encourage development of fish wheels and traditional tribal techniques in unimpounded river reaches.


Fish wheels replace some of ocean harvest.


Predator Control



Hab 16.0

Predator control

Reduce predation on desired species, such as by reduction or elimination of predators or disbursement of unusually high densities of predators.


Seals, Sea lions

Hab 16.1

Control predatory fish

Use fishing bounties or other direct measures to reduce the abundance and concentration of predatory fish.


Northern squawfish (pikeminnow) program

Hab 16.2

Control predatory birds

Use barriers, habitat reduction or other direct measures to reduce the abundance and concentration of predatory birds.

Construction, operations

Expand Caspian tern program.

Hab 16.3

Control mammalian predators

Use barriers, habitat reduction or other direct measures to reduce the abundance and concentration of predatory mammals such as seals.

Construction, operations



Competitor control

Reduce competitive interactions with desired species, by reduction or elimination of exotic species or disbursement of unusually high densities of competitor species.


Expand sportfishing programs for competitor species, eradication.


Hatchery Operations



Hab 21.0

Habitat fertilization

Fertilize freshwater habitats with salmon carcasses or through temporary application of fertilizer.


Use hatchery carcasses to fertilize rivers.

Hab 15.0

Reintroduction of species

Reintroduce extirpated fish species in rehabilitated habitat.


No additional explanation needed.

Hat 1.0

Incorporate wild fish into hatchery broodstocks

Implements measures to regularly infuse wild stock into an existing hatchery broodstock.


No additional explanation needed.

Hat 10.0

Reintroduce progeny of captive brood fish back into habitat

Reintroduce the progeny of fish reared in captive brood situations back into their restored natural habitats as soon as possible.


No additional explanation needed.

Hat 2.0

Use natural population as a template for hatchery

Use the associated natural population as a template for establishing desired biological characteristics including behavior, morphology, maturation and incubation of hatchery fish.


No additional explanation needed.

Hat 3.0

Provide emergency preservation of genetic resources

Use captive production or cryropreservation as a short-term measure to conserve genetic resources likely to be lost.


No additional explanation needed.

Hat 7.0

Use wild fish emulation techniques in hatchery.

Convert an existing hatchery to one based on use of methods to emulate natural conditions and produce fish that perform more like wild fish (e.g., "Natures").


No additional explanation needed.

Hat 8.0

Reduce spread of hatchery pathogens to wild

Reduce or control the spread of pathogens associated with hatchery operations into the natural system.


No additional explanation needed.

Hat 9.0

Supplement natural production

Use hatchery fish to supplement natural productivity as part of an integrated hatchery and natural population.


No additional explanation needed.

Har 10.0

Develop aquaculture

Develop net pens or other aquacultural techniques to provide an alternative to traditional commercial harvest.


Salmon aquaculture


Hatchery Production Levels



Hat 11.0

Develop mitigation hatchery

Mitigate for permanent loss of habitat using artificial production that matches the species, race, behavior and, if possible, genetic characteristics of lost populations for which mitigation is being provided.


Increase supplement-type hatchery production.

Hat 12.0

Develop augmentation hatchery.

Augment production from intact natural habitat to supply additional harvest.

This strategy is redundant.


Hat 4.0

Eliminate hatchery production

Phase out the use of hatcheries as habitats are restored.


Reduce mitigation-type hatchery production.

Hat 5.0

Expand hatchery production

Expand existing hatchery production and release.


Increase mitigation-type hatchery production.

Hat 6.0

Reduce hatchery production

Reduce hatchery production and releases including reduction in rearing densities.

This strategy is not currently included in any alternatives.






Hab 45.0

Improve mining discharges

Modify NPDES permits for discharge of mining waste into water bodies to avoid degradation of aquatic habitats



Hab 46.0

Improve mining practices

Manage large- and small-scale mining practices to avoid degradation of aquatic, riparian and terrestrial habitats



Hab 47.0

Rehabilitate marginal and closed mines

Clean up mining sites to limit discharge of metals and other pollutants into water, restore stream habitats and stabilize banks


Redistribute mining tailing in streams.