► This meeting was video recorded. See video links below for each agenda item.

Tuesday, July 9

Council Meeting – 1pm (PDT) / 2pm (MDT) – Large and Small conference rooms

General ATTENDEES should use this link to register. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar. (How to join a Webinar). Contact CouncilIT@nwcouncil.org with any technical questions.

  1 – 1:15pm
 (► Video)
Power Division Update and Planning Report: Jennifer Light, Division Director.
1. 1:15 – 2:15pm
 (► Video)
Conservation Methodology Primer: Kevin Smit, Manager, Power Planning Resources and Christian Douglass, Senior Resource Analyst.
2. 2:15 – 3pm
 (► Video)
NEEA Residential Building Stock Assessment Results Overview: Mike Psaris, Senior Program Manager and Ben Spearing, Senior Program Coordinator, NEEA.
  3 – 3:15pm Break
3. 3:15 – 4:45pm
 (► Video)
Final Adequacy Assessment: Dor Hirsh Bar Gai, Power System Analyst and John Ollis, Manager of Planning and Analysis.

Wednesday, July 10

Council Meeting continued – 8am (PDT) / 9am (MDT) – Large and Small conference rooms

General ATTENDEES should use this link to register. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar. (How to join a Webinar). Contact CouncilIT@nwcouncil.org with any technical questions.

  8 – 8:15am
 (► Video)
Fish and Wildlife Update and Planning Report: Patty O’Toole, Fish and Wildlife Division Director.
4. 8:15 – 9:45am
 (► Video)
Looking ahead to amendment of the Columbia River Basin Fish and Wildlife Program: Patty O’Toole, Fish and Wildlife Division Director and John Shurts, General Counsel.
  9:45 – 10am Break
5. 10 – 10:45am
 (► Video)
Update on Project #2009-012-00, Willamette Bi-Op Habitat Restoration: Eric Williams, Grant Program Manager and Denise Hoffert, Partnerships Coordinator, Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board.
6. 10:45 – 11:30am
 (► Video)
Update on Project #2007-397-00, John Day Watershed Restoration: Stefan Kelly, Watershed Restoration Coordinator, Confederated Tribes of the Warm Springs reservation of Oregon.
  11:30am – 1pm Lunch
7. 1 – 2pm
 (► Video)
Remarks by John Hairston: Administrator and CEO, Bonneville Power Administration.
8. 2pm
 (► Video)
Council Business:
    Public comment on any issues before the Council. Please sign up prior to the meeting to provide comment by emailing your name to meetingorganizer@nwcouncil.org Any person participating in the meeting should review and abide by the Code of Conduct expected of all who participate in the Council’s public forums. All meetings are recorded.