8:30 am - 4:30 pm

GoToMeeting or conference call - 800-356-8278, code 186685


The Northwest Power and Conservation Council and Bonneville Power Administration would like to host a one day workshop in Portland in October for all sponsors and practitioners of BPA funded Relative Reproductive Success (RRS) projects. Listed below are the projects, some of these projects are coming to a conclusion or have already finished their work. As a result, the workshop has two purposes:

  • Knowledge sharing and retention as some of these projects close out
  • Cost savings that can be identified and repurposed for other emerging priorities in the future

Letter sent to Sponsors of Relative Reproductive Success Projects on September 15, 2016

Summary and
199506325 Yakima River Monitoring and Evaluation-Yakima/Klickitat Fisheries Project (YKFP)
199604300 Johnson Creek Artificial Propagation Enhancement
200900900 Basinwide Supplementation Evaluation
200303900 Monitoring the reproductive success of naturally spawning hatchery and natural spring Chinook salmon in the Wenatchee River
200305000 Evaluate the Reproductive Success of Wild and Hatchery Steelhead in Natural and Hatchery Environments
200305400 Evaluate the Relative Reproductive Success of Hatchery-Origin and Wild-Origin Steelhead Spawning Naturally in the Hood River
200306300 Natural Reproductive Success and Demographic Effects of Hatchery-Origin Steelhead in Abernathy Creek, Washington
200729900 Investigation of Relative Reproductive Success of Stray Hatchery & Wild Steelhead & Influence of Hatchery Strays on Productivity in the Deschutes
201003300 Study Reproductive Success of Hatchery and Natural Origin Steelhead in the Methow
198909600 Genetic Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Program for Salmon and Steelhead