Council Comments on NEEA's Strategic, Business Plans

Focus on identifying new energy efficiency opportunities and bring them to market for regional benefits

The Council provided comments on the Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance's draft 2015-2019 strategic and business plans this month. NEEA's strategic plan identifies two major goals: filling the energy efficiency pipeline with new opportunities and creating market conditions to accelerate and sustain market adoption. In a letter to NEEA, the Council confirmed its support for both goals, especially the organization's focus on scanning for new technologies and strategic market analysis.

Also important to the Council is NEEA's regional approach in its work:

"We believe it is important that the Bonneville Power Administration, the Energy Trust of Oregon, and the Northwest utilities pool their resources to support NEEA's work. It is more cost-effective than utilities funding individual efforts since it avoids duplication of effort, which would mean higher costs for both the region and utilities."