Cost Saving Funds Will Benefit Program Hatcheries, Fish Screen Projects

Hatcheries and fish screen projects will be receiving $450,000 from the cost savings placeholder. The 2014 Columbia River Basin Fish and Wildlife Program and 2020 Program Addendum recommended using savings to fund the program priorities recommended by the Council, including the high priority past investments. Council and Bonneville Power Administration staff work together to review projects for savings (either they are discontinued or have significant cost reductions)that can be reallocated to other projects.

The asset management strategic plan they develop addresses non-recurring maintenance needs for hatcheries, fish diversion screens, and mitigation lands to ensure the benefits of past investments. Based on this plan a prioritized list of maintenance equipment and tasks is developed each year.

The FY 2021 funds will be used to purchase needed equipment, repair buildings, upgrade electrical systems, and to purchase materials for fish screens. Projects include the Nez Perce Tribal Hatchery; Sherman Hatchery; Spokane Tribal Hatchery; Umatilla Hatchery; and fish screen projects for the Idaho Fish and Game; Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife; and Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife.