Telling the Story of Hatcheries in the Columbia River Basin

Web tool shares information about the role of hatcheries in mitigation and conservation

The Council’s Hatchery Story Map web tool was developed to educate a broad audience about hatcheries in the Columbia River Basin. It’s a key reporting tool for communicating how the Council’s fish and wildlife program is performing and helps staff update progress. Information is shared in bold data points and visual storytelling, and can be printed as well, for a general audience but is also useful in coordinating the region’s hatchery goals.

So far, several story maps have been posted that describe the background behind hatcheries and how hatcheries mitigate the effects of the hydrosystem and human development impacts on fish. Hatcheries also play a role in fish conservation and restoration and in the region’s economy and culture, for example.

While providing a comprehensive overview for the public, it also includes a section that connects to the Council’s program tracker, which contains data on hatchery programs to track facility improvement needs and access information.

The hatchery tool builds on the Council’s Program Performance & Progress tool to educate the region about the work to preserve fish and wildlife in the basin.