The generating resources source data is used similarly but slightly differently in each of the Council’s power system models. Due to the differences of model fidelity and focus, each model requires slightly different forms of the same source information.

Regional Portfolio Model

Due to computational run-time concerns the Regional Portfolio Model (RPM) limits the number of resources that are explicitly modeled. Thus, individual resources on the existing system are often categorized into generating resource plant bins and the number of new generating resources that can be evaluated is limited. Individual choices about how existing resources are binned and how new and existing resources are input to the RPM was discussed in detail in the System Analysis Advisory Committee meetings.

Redeveloped GENESYS

The same source data is used but in different detail in GENESYS. For example, all existing northwest regional resources are modeled individually (as they are in AURORA). The major difference is the treatment of the hydro generators. The hydro constraints and operational limitations are documented within the model code and interface and discussed in classic GENESYS documentation.

Per additional feedback solicited from stakeholders during the August 2021 technical conference, many of the modifications to hydro constraints and operational limitations were implemented and considered in post-draft plan analysis.


The same source data is used but in different detail in AURORA. For example, all existing northwest regional resources are modeled individually. The generating resources in the AURORA default data set is primarily modified to reflect differences in the regional existing system per the generating resource database and new reference generating resource options. Additionally, AURORA default hydro generation parameters are modified per volume and daily maximum and minimum information from GENESYS as described in the discussion of how information is passed from Classic GENESYS to AURORA.