(All meetings are open to the public and are recorded. Recordings are available on request.)

This meeting is by webinar only. Register at this Zoom Webinar Link. You will receive a confirmation email once you register.

About this meeting: 

This meeting of the Climate and Weather Advisory Committee will focus on discussion of the best methods, subjected to various limitations in data and resources, to incorporate climate model data into the upcoming the Power Plan. See presentation.


  • Climate data used in the Power Plan
    • 2021 Power Plan
      • Streamflow data – RMJOC (76 locations)
      • Temperature data – RMJOC (4 cities)
      • Wind data – Climatology Lab (3 locations)
      • Solar data – historical (2 locations)
    • Upcoming Power Plan
      • Streamflow data – RMJOC (no change)
      • Temperature data – RMJOC (29 locations)
      • Wind data – climatology Lab (same 3 locations and additional locations, Work in Progress)
      • Solar data – climatology Lab (same 2 locations and additional locations Work in Progress)
  • Extreme regional weather in historical and climate scenario data
    • Extreme temperatures at 4 cities
    • Very low seasonal streamflows
  • Discussions and inputs on
    • Climate scenarios selection (add scenario J?)
    • Climate scenario years (2020 to 2049?)
    • Topics of interests
  • Preview of topics for the next Climate and Weather Advisory Committee