Meeting minutes

9:30 am Welcome, Introductions, Opening Comments 
Ken Canon, Facilitator
9:45 am Action 1:  RTF evaluation
Bill Drummond, Western Montana G&T
>> Memo  from Bill Drummond  
>> Report (7mb PDF)  from EMI
10:30 am Action 2:  Data needs 
>> Memo
Rob Russell, Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance (NEEA)
10:45 am Action 3:  Emerging technologies
Ryan Fedie, Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) and Jeff Harris, NEEA
>> Presentation
11:15 am Action 4:  Energy efficiency forum and strategic planning for high impact energy efficiency initiatives
Karen Horkitz and Scot Davidson, NEEA
>> Presentation
12:00 pm Lunch
1:15 pm Action 5:  Marketing
Teri Duncan, Portland Energy Conservation Inc. (PECI) 
>> Memo from Teri Duncan | Presentation 
1:45 pm Action 6: Workforce development assessment
Cal Shirley, Puget Sound Energy (PSE)
>> Presentation