Understanding the Council's Regional Portfolio Model

The systems analysis advisory committee will be discussing the model in upcoming meetings

The Council's regional portfolio model, which it uses to test different resource strategies against a range of potential futures, is in the final stages in its redevelopment. It's expected to be ready to use by the end of March.

Several upcoming meetings will give stakeholders and the public an opportunity to learn more about the technical details of the model, how it works, how the results from the model are interpreted, and how it can address specific policy questions.

The Council's system analysis advisory committee, whose members are technical experts, reviews the Council's models, providing advice on their development. It will be meeting on March 27 and April 23. A more high-level group, the resource strategies advisory committee, will also discuss the model at its March 12 meeting. And, the Council will be meeting on March 10-11 in Eugene to discuss the status of the Seventh Power Plan. All meetings are open to the public.