8:30 AM Refreshments
9:00 AM Convene for Introductions/Agenda Overview/Key Outcomes (Pat Egan)
9:10 AM Taskforce Charge (Phil Jones)
  • What is our direction from NEET?
  • What is our timeline?
  • What is our product?
  • How will it be used?
9:40 AM Panel Discussion - Definition of the Problem (Moderated by Cal Shirley)
  • Home much work is to be done?
  • What are the policy drivers?
  • How will the delivery model deliver?
  • What are the demographics?
10:40 AM BREAK
10:50 AM Inventory/Library of Existing Work (Phil Jones)
11:20 AM Short-Term Work/Assignments (Cal Shirley)
  • Leads
  • Timelines
11:50 AM Good of the Order/Meeting Plans (Pat Egan)
12:00 PM Adjourn